Trump aficionado Kelli Ward narrowly win reelection as head of the Arizona Republican party Saturday, which is an indication that Trumpism is alive and well in the Grand Canyon state. The first order of business was to pass resolutions censuring high-profile Republicans, Doug Ducey, Jeff Flake and Cindy McCain. In another lifetime it would have been unthinkable to publicly censure the sitting governor, a former senator and widow of Arizona’s finest statesman, all Republicans. But these are Trump’s minions. AZ Central:

The party censured Ducey over his decision to impose emergency rules during the pandemic that the GOP said “restrict personal liberties and force compliance to unconstitutional edicts.”

McCain, who endorsed President Joe Biden, “has supported globalist policies and candidates” and “condemned President Trump for his criticism of her husband and erroneously placed behaviors over actual presidential results.”

Flake has “condemned the Republican Party, rejected populism, and rejected the interests of the American people over globalist interests.” The party suggested Flake join the Democrats.

Look, old guard Republicans of this stature aren’t going to take this lying down.

J.P. Twist is Ducey’s campaign manager and political director of the Republican Governor’s Association, which Ducey heads. These are the pros, and the Trumpites are the interlopers and insurrectionists. Nothing new to see here.

The Greater Phoenix Leadership, an influential group in the business community, noted its disapproval, saying, “The behaviors, actions & messages of the AZ GOP under the leadership of Kelli Ward remain disgraceful & disappointing.”

That was more from the old guard. And here’s what Cindy McCain said.

And well she should. These people are bonkers. Ducey has fallen into disfavor with the Trumpites not just because he crossed Trump when he did his job and certified the election results, but because of his support for red-flag laws that would allow authorities to temporarily take away guns from those deemed a threat to themselves or others. Can’t have that.

There are a number of cultural battleground states and Arizona is one of them. This was just the latest flash point in the GOP Civil War.


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  1. Cindy McCain has always been rich. Really rich. I don’t know how much she’s donated to the GOP in Arizona and to GOP candidates, and gotten OTHERS to donate but it’s got to be an awful lot of money. As sides get chosen in this state level spat, I rather think that Cindy McCain is holding the best cards – as in cards (or nowdays computer files) with big donor’s names she can call and influence to follow her example and cut off donations to the GOP and candidates in that state until they purge the Kelli Ward types. She can even twist the knife by reminding them that Kelli Ward couldn’t even get elected in a statewide race herself! So yes, I think you’re spot on that come 2022 Democrats will be poised to kick some butt in now purple(ish) Arizona.

    • There may also be the issue of Ward suffering from Sarah Palin style delusions of succession to the gold toilet throne Trump vacated. Apparently, someone hasn’t checked California lately to see what fate awaits this plan.

    • Good plan there I think, GOP in flights of fancy and another Universe, who would you think could surface as an electable replacement for the shitgibbon Trump?

      Maybe MIT could start a new electronic/mechanical project for their engineering students … a walking talking robot, incapable of thought-driven choices, just how to get to the nearest golf course and charge the trip to the USA Citizenry …. they could make it humorless and vindictive, loaded with lies and repeatable little hand jesters and a rubber face that only grins when the robot hurts someone physically or mentally …

      The GOP would fall in love with this monster … oh yes, program it to sign things with an outrageous signature and pose for photo ops at all times …

  2. well, Mark Kelly’s seat is certainly safer now. They’re insane for attacking Cindy McCain for defending her own late husband over Trump. It’s really unbelievable.

    • He was a hero in war and in the end, a hero in the Senate. The GOP is now full of cowering sheep who care more about keeping their seats than democracy.

    • YOU are one vile, disgusting toxic fungus growing on a nasty fuckwad. I had LOTS of political differences with John McCain and his forming an (uneasy) alliance with the religious nutjob conservatives to set up his final Presidential run truly saddened me but other than that he was as honorable as in true to his word as a politician at his level could be. Again, if I didn’t agree with his chosen course on various policies I trusted him more than most to be acting in what he believed was the best interest our our country. Having been through all that torture as a P.O.W. and knowing it would get even worse for doing so he turned down early release from captivity rather than give the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory. Go back and look at archives of footage of him all the way back to the Reagan administration. He couldn’t even comb his own hair because the damage he suffered prevented him from lifting either arm to a position to be able to control a comb!

      And you call him a traitor. YOU are the traitor to this country and its ideals! I’m an old fart and have neurological problems in my lower extremities so you could easily take me in a fight. But not before I punched you in your goddamned shit spewing mouth if you stood in front of me and called McCain a traitor. There’s often not a lot of love lost between jarheads and sailors, and especially when it comes to enlisted pukes like me and Naval Officers. But if the chips were down and McCain was headed into a REAL fight this ole broken down grunt would have followed him into hell. Can you say the same? YOUR fake god Trump would NEVER willingly head into a fight, much less actual danger so I guess YOU would never have to make that choice. But you probably consider yourself oh so billy-bad-ass tough because you can stomp on a true patriot’s grave. Why don’t you just slither back into the bathroom plumbing of Trump’s bathroom at Mar A Lago and gorge yourself on the burnt steak and fast food shit he flushes down his fake gold toilet!

    • Anyone who disparages a war hero is a craven coward. That’s you. By the way, get an english dictionary, in case i’ve used words you russians don’t know.

    • Stevon (if that’s your real name, tovarisch), John McCain survived so much hell as a POW that you would be crying like a baby, wanting your mommy and your bottle if you had to deal with even 1% of it.

      Donald Trump, by comparison, bragged that he knew what serving in Vietnam must be like because he avoided getting STDs in New York.

      Now tell us which one’s the real traitor. (For the record, John McCain never spoke fondly of Vladimir Putin–the former Communist KGB agent–or Glorious Leader Kim Jong-Un. Donald Trump, on the other hand, was “best buddies” with both.)

  3. Valor Morghulis, AZ GOP (translation: “All men must die.”). Unless they got a sugar daddy lined up along the lines of the late, unlamented Sheldon Adelson who isn’t in danger of keeling over next week, these idiots have just cut their own throat with a butcher knife.


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