The “Masks” Are All Off Now


No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another for the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true   Nathaniel Hawthorne   The Scarlet Letter

I honestly don’t know who in the hell is planning all of these recent Trump photo ops, But whoever it is should retire to a sanitorium somewhere in Tuscany. Trump has this petulant, childish desire to only show himself off as the true man, the Aryan Superman of the dreams of Friedrich Nietzsche, but it just isn’t working.

Rachel Maddow said the entire scam bare tonight, and though Trombies don’t watch Rachel, there is no way they can miss it, as the video is sure to go viral. Trump set up the staging carefully, landing Marine One in exactly the right position, and stalling his grand entrance back to the White House until the camera lights were all ready to go.

Trump exited the helicopter, and walked up a switchback stairway of some of the shallowest steps known to man, to the second floor balcony. Whereupon he turned out to face an empty courtyard, triumphantly ripped the mask from his face, and prepared to salute Marine One as it took off. Unfortunately for him, Rachel had a close up view of the entire thing, You could clearly see him standing there, fiddling with his suit coat, while his shoulders heaved up and down, his mouth open and his teeth clenched while he desperately sucked for air. This is not a well man.

Y’all remember? It was only a day or so that I wrote an article in which I showed that while Joe Biden gained two points from his debate performance, it was Trump who shed four points. Ask yourself this, Where did those four points come from?

It didn’t come from the so called soft Trump voters, they headed for the hills by the 2018 midterm elections. Trump’s base has long been held at between 40-45%. That’s the only place that the 4 point drop from 43-39 could have come from. Trump turned his own voters off with his debate performance.

And nothing that Trump did this weekend made him look stronger. That drive by wave fest was a pure dick move, and came across as such. But there is n way that his performance tonight on the portico of the White House can be seen as anything but a disaster. The Maddow video clearly shows him standing there, his shoulders heaving up and down, sucking wind through open lips as he tries to maintain his position of strength.

But forget about the true believers of Trump for a minute, they may well not matter. Biden is pulling away from Trump in the senior vote, by more than 20 points at this point. Trump shot out a bullshit video tonight, telling people to ignore the coronavirus he better than anybody knows that it’s no big thang. But yet tonight, millions of us saw a 74 year old man, winded after climbing two flights of stairs, and desperately trying to suck in breath.

You know where there’s a shitload of us frost tops? In Florida, a state that Trump must win in order to be reelected, and where early voting is already underway. And ya know where a ton of us tend to hang out? In Arizona, where early voting is also already under way. And there’s a bunch of us in Nevada, where the mail in ballots are already in the mail to voters statewide, and where early in person voting starts in 10 days. And we all just saw one of us, tromping up two shallow flights of stairs, and standing on the portico struggling to breather. It’s one thing for a 40 year smoker like me to be huffing at the top of a flight of stairs, but Trump is no smoker.

Don’t let the vaunted Trump base panic you. Trump has nothing else left, and every time you see his numbers get smaller, there’s only one place it can be coming from. There are millions of us who are scared shitless about the coronavirus, and Trump’s flaks bravado isn’t playing so well there. 29 days, Vote. And Get out The Vote.

Follow ne on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Like I said in the article before this one, he was breathing like I would have been and I have COPD and smoked for 46 years. This whole thing has been disgusting, from the lying doctor to him playing queen for a day and riding around waving.

  2. I don’t understand the constant hubbub about Lardass’ condition. The only reason I hope he pulls through is then he will be held accountable for his crimes. Other than than that, I don’t give a flaming rat’s azz if he lives, dies or goes straight to Hell. In other words, I really don’t care, do U???

    • The devil won’t pull his #1 until more souls are deceived & lost to eternity. After all, what’s the rush? There must be a photo somewhere mounted in the devil’s abode next to the evil picture of the Overlook Hotel in the Shining, showing the new years party of the damned with Jack Nicholson in the center. Probably one of the president & the republicans celebrating their trillion dollar theft in the rose garden, while tens of millions of children live in poverty in America. Jack’s crowd was bigger.

    • I care for purely tactical reasons, Blue. The longer he’s alive, the more people he can infect. And if he goes before the election, well, that’s going to shake things up. Also, as Bill Palmer keeps saying, where the eff is Mike Pence?

  3. One way or another, he’s done, eh, Murf? The only question now is how many GOP Senators he takes with him…again, one way or another.

    • If any of these traitors to the fallen soldiers & the constitution keep their Senate seat & Mitch stays…welcome to the most evil country in the world, which is why the world has us on house arrest. Tried using that passport lately? We can’t point fingers at n Korea when they been under the iron fist for generations. We have the most of everygoddamn thing & 40% want to join the remnants of Hitler’s army. “First remove the plank from your eye b4 you remove the speck from ur brother’s eye.” Jesus

      • First of all, Scott, BREATHE. Second, 40% approval rating for any sitting president is essentially zero. Third, how many of these maskless MAGA maggots are going to live that much longer anyway at this rate?

        • I just can’t get accustomed to the amount of evil stupidity. Even after 67 years. Of course tolerance 4it may be like tiretread. The longer ur around, the rubber wears thin.

          • Well, to be fair, I grew up around such evil stupidity, so I know it inside and out. One of my unspoken life goals is to every last of that creed’s adherents and outdo them in every way. I am becoming convinced that I have never been to that goal than I am now. Trust me…I’ve seen them when they’ve ACTUALLY been winning. This isn’t it.

  4. Trump 2020: “always one step ahead.”

    No, I don’t mean he’s winning or that he’s wily…that’s his longterm strategy, always thinking only one single step ahead. Because anyone else would have realized that the doctors and secret service are going to wheel you back to the hospital at the drop of a hat, which will exponentially explode this story.

    Trust me, DT, this plan looks horrible from where I am thirty steps ahead. It doesn’t even look smart from three steps ahead.


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