Clear your calendar for Sunday and Monday and stock up on canned stew and peaches, the “global rewiring” is about to take place. Whut? I knew you would say that. Here, let me show you the latest missive being shared around right-wing media on how the New World Order is shifting into gear this weekend. It’s easier than trying to explain it.

When they say “the President” I presume they are talking about Trumpty Dumpty because that’s Q lore, that he never left the Oval Office, he’s there now and Uncle Joe is faking it on a movie set down the road a piece. And how he’s going to tweet when he’s banned on Twitter I don’t know, but these people never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

I think this has the makings of a great sci fi parody, The Day The Earth Went Nutz. Klaatu comes down to earth after monitoring broadcasts during the Trump years and he arrives this weekend and hangs out with the MAGAs and the QAnoners, who are waiting for the global rewiring. That convinces him beyond all doubt that this planet is filled with dangerous lunatics and not fit to be part of the civilized universe. So he gets back on the space ship with this warning, “Get rid of QAnon and conspiracy theory and grow up or we shall reduce your planet to a burning cinder. The choice is yours. We will be waiting.”


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  1. I wonder if the eedjits know that Irish (and Brit) TV doesn’t even operate on the US system along with every other country in Europe – tjhey don’t even operatye on the same frequencies and there is no link to the US emergency system.

    But that would imply they have brains

  2. Annnnddddd like everything else that the Q-Nuts have predicted, this will not happen! Too bad Too bad the Andromedans cannot come down and rewire the Q-nutz brains to eliminate belief in conspiracy theories and disinformation!

    • The Andromedans? I’m thinking our only hope is for the Talosians to come and whisk them all away so they can live out the rest of their lives in their little dream world. (In case y’all don’t get the reference, go back to the “Star Trek” episodes, “The Menagerie, Pt 1” and “Pt 2.” Originally presented as one of the series’ pilot episodes, it was reworked into the two-part episode with Spock commandeering the Enterprise to return his former captain, Christopher Pike, to the planet, Talos IV which had been placed off-limits to all people with visiting the planet one of the few offenses that could lead to a death sentence. Captain Pike had been seriously injured in an accident that required him to be placed in a “wheelchair” through which he could only communicate with “yes” or “no” answers and Spock faces a court-martial hearing in which images are shown of Pike’s first visit to Talos IV years earlier. The Talosians, it turns out, are incredible telepaths, capable of creating incredibly realistic illusions and, during Pike’s earlier visit, they’d tried to get Pike to breed with some human females to help restore Talos. By the end of the show, the still-injured Pike chooses to remain on Talos IV where he and an earlier survivor of a crash on the planet are shown living a happy, normal existence. Even though the Talosians presumably weren’t able to actually heal Pike, they could make him think he was walking and running around in his youthful, energetic, pre-accident state.)

  3. So, what will they come up with when this totally fizzles? Bets?
    Gotta love how they think Trump and the US military is in charge of the entire world.


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