Life for Traitor Tot used to be so gay and carefree. Trump had crafted his campaign carefully. First, run against Biden’s age and alleged mental decline. And second, as almost every other non incumbent, run as the “change” candidate, fresh new ideas after four long years of failed policies.

And it worked like a charm. Trump was kicking Biden’s ass in the all important categories of the economy and immigration. Biden played into that trap by largely refusing to seriously engage on either issue. And on the age issue, actually that worked out too well for Traitor Tot. Biden’s confused and uneven debate performance actually led to his eventual withdrawal from the race, turning it over to Kamala Harris.

Now Trump may be a political imbecile, but he’s not brain dead. While he may be having a major malfunction trying to find an effective line of attack against Harris either personally or on her policies, one thing he knows is that he’s grabbed the mantle of the change candidate for himself.

And so he’s trying to use it. When it comes to immigration, El Pendejo ex Presidente keeps trying to paint Harris as Biden’s Border Czar, whose disastrous policies led to border surges. Actually Harris worked with governments in Central America on increased investments to keep migrants from leaving. And on the economy, he has tried to portray Harris’ liberal policies as leading directly to high inflation. He owns that ground, and he aims to keep it.

One small problem. It. Isn’t. Working. When Harris took over the top of the ticket, early polling showed her trailing Traitor tot by three points nationally, and in every battleground state. Today Harris has a three point lead nationally over Trump which has held for the last three weeks, and leads or is tied in every battleground state. In every case, the net change is outside the margin of error. How the hell did she do that?

Simple answer, a brilliant campaign strategy. Biden was flailing on the issues of the economy and immigration. Ever the loyal soldier, Harris warmly embraced her connection with Biden, and touted the accomplishments of the administration. That soothed the Biden base. But then Harris took over the stage, and knocked Trump on his ass.

She started actually talking about the issues of immigration and inflation, something Biden was loath to do. But while she touted the Biden administrations progress on those fronts, she created space for herself. She admitted that inflation was still too high, and immigration needed repair, and then she laid out concrete plans and policies that the Harris administration would take to fix the problems. And unlike Il Douche, she provided specifics instead of bitches.

And by doing so, she stole the mantle of the change candidate from Trump. The Trump of 2024 is no different than the Trump of 2016, just more obnoxious and incoherent. But by providing the voters with her own platform, Harris stopped being an extension of the Biden administration, and instead became the fresh, new Harris administration.

And it’s worked like a charm. On the topic of immigration Harris has narrowed the gap with the GOP to the lowest it’s been in decades. And on the economy, Harris has almost totally erased Trump’s edge. And those are the only two things that FrankenTrump has to run on. Worse yet, Harris is slamming him for sinking the bipartisan immigration bill that would have gone a long way towards correcting the problem, and promising to resurrect it in her congress and signing the bill when it passes.

Traitor Tot has never had an answer to Harris, either politically or personally, but at least he thought he could run as the change candidate by painting her as nothing more than an extension of the failed Biden presidency. But now Harris has not only stolen the mantle of being the change candidate by separating her administration from the Biden administration, now she’s knocking his ass on what are supposed to be his pet issues by offering concrete solutions that make him look exactly like what he is: An empty suit. This just keeps getting better. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. Who could have thought that having ACTUAL SENSIBLE POLICIES people want, and a reputation for putting them in effect would turn out to be what voters want?

    Certainly not the other side from Kamala who scarcely have any policies they can admit to, let alone campaign on, and proved they couldn’t implement anything the last time they were in.

    • Hell even “their” House loony toons couldn’t make good on the one thing they “promised” to do and impeach Pres Biden. That was the ONE issue they sold their base and all they did was prove they were trying out as the “New Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight.” And failing at that.

  2. Being tied in battleground states is of no use at all to V.P. Harris. Not this election cycle. Any state where she does not have a commanding lead, ESPECIALLY red states, is going to spell disaster for the Harris ticket. The red states have their mechanism all set up to steal the election for their von shitzinpants-all they need is a little bit of uncertainty (and maybe not even that).


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