Kari Lake has already started acting the part of Trump VP. It’s been rumored that she is one of four candidates under consideration, along with Nikki Haley, Marge Greene and Kristi Noem. There are those who put Hucky Boo Boo Sanders in the running as well.

Haley is a wash. She decided to run against Trump. Disloyalty get you dumped. Next. Marge Greene is arguably more effective where she is, trolling the House and owning the libs. Trump may not want to move that chess piece. Forget about Sanders. While her loyalty index is strong, she isn’t beautiful and women who are not beautiful don’t exist in Trump world.

That leaves us with Kari Lake and Kristi Noem. Noem is a good sycophant and she looks right. So does Lake. Noem will probably prevail over Lake because at least she is an actual governor someplace besides in her own dreams. So that may be while Lake is already playing the VP part. Or, maybe she and Trump have an understanding, who knows?

I don’t know if the gig is what Kari thinks it is. She’s probably made all the money she’s going to, or most of it, from the Big Lie, Arizona edition. She made $2.5 million after election day. When and if she is Trump’s VP, contributions will be under the auspices of the FEC.

And Arizona is totally on board for a Lake vice presidency. Absotively, posilutely. They want nothing more. Not because she’s a beloved daughter of the Grand Canyon State after reading a teleprompter for two decades but because she’s “Donald Trump in high heels.” AZ Central:

Here in Arizona, we know that Kari Lake would be the ideal vice presidential pick for the MAGA ticket. She checks all the right boxes:

  • Embrace conspiracy theories about election fraud in 2020? Check.

  • Embrace conspiracy theories about election fraud in 2022? Check.

  • Attack the media? John McCain? The FBI? Check. Check. Check.

  • Rail about a border “invasion” and a stolen election and masks and a stolen election and liberals and a stolen election and the media and oh yeah, not one but two supposedly stolen elections.

That’s gold right there. In certain dwindling circles, at least.

Lake is basically Trump in high heels, a camera-ready rage machine who could offer a shot of adrenaline to his flagging MAGA movement.

The one downside to Lake is the fact that Trump reportedly wants a female running mate who can help him win back women in the suburbs – the ones who helped Gov. Katie Hobbs become Gov. Katie Hobbs.

Still, there is no one better suited to continue and amplify Trump’s campaign of grievance than Arizona’s reigning MAGA queen. No one more loyal to Trump. Who else but Kari Lake would kiss his … portrait?

Trump owes a debt to Arizona. Arizona drew “thousands of his faithful followers to one rally” back in 2015. It would be much appreciated if Trump would attempt to square the favor by taking Kari Lake on the campaign trail and leaving her someplace. Anyplace but the Grand Canyon State.

I doubt if Trump would be so accommodating. He is plenty mad at Arizona for voting for Joe Biden. That sore may never heal. I think Noem will be called to serve. Although I, too, would love the choice to be Kari Lake. A Trump/Lake ticket would be a howler.

As for her words to DeSantis, color him completely disinterested in Lake’s opinion, now and always, unless I miss my guess.

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  1. Bless her little delusional heart. She’s a perfect fit for a Thelma and Louise ride off the south rim of the political canyon with Jim Jones…er…I mean the orange Kool aide pitcher. Drink up sweetie. Just watch his hands. I see storm clouds rolling in.


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