This is not a smooth move on Ted Cruz’ part. It’s not as stupid as packing up and going to Cancun while his constituents froze in their beds and a nuclear power plant was within minutes of going offline during a blizzard, but it’s still pretty stupid. Cruz is now categorically denying that he spoke with Donald Trump on January 6. The problem with that is that the book Peril has been out for a few months and it details numerous conversations that Cruz and Trump had — and now Cruz is playing dumb.

The $64,000 question is why is Cruz doing this? Why play dumb? If there were inaccuracies in the book, he should have and could have said so when it was released. Or, is he going to do a Mike Pence, and claim that he doesn’t know about things until he reads it in the Washington Post like the rest of us?

Cruz knows what is written about him. He employs people to keep track of that sort of thing. All elected officials do. So why remain silent and then months later play dumb on something this basic?

We’ll find out eventually. Maybe we’ll find out when Cruz is asked the very same question under oath and a prosecutor is standing there with a copy of Trump’s phone records in her hand.

Bear in mind, Cruz played a central role in the January 6 debacle. Mo Brooks was the House member who got the ball rolling and then he needed a senator and guess who was the first one with his hand up? Ted Cruz. He was willing to do anything he could to throw a monkey wrench into the electoral process and keep Trump in office — the guy who called his wife ugly and inferred his father assassinated JFK. This is Ted Cruz, Mr. Character himself.

But it certainly would make sense for Trump to talk to Cruz on these facts. And we know where Mo Brooks was, out at the rally wearing bulletproof garments. And Josh Hawley was making his famous raised fist gesture.

Great day in American politics. It looks like somebody will have to refresh Ted Cruz’ recollection of it. He’s just drawn a blank.


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  1. If I were rich I’d send him a WWII era “Fritz” helmet and a Germany Army Tunic with a note – “If you’re going to play Sgt. Senator Schulz you might as well dress the part!”

  2. I think it’s time to burn a few ears at the FOX news desk, asking why one of their heroes of guns gone wild and Trump’s middle finger would lie about their biggest and baddest news draw, the orange shitgibbon himself …

    Are they going to support Cruz throwing Trump under the proverbial bus by backing off his former breathless kiss ups to Trump …?

    Squashed between truth, brainless Cruz and clueless Trump, that should produce some entertainment, as they plunge deeper into the abyss of non-real reporting and just continue to master-bate under the desk …

    Self gratification seems to be the only reason they show up at Fox News, spewing incredibly stupid drivel, keyed to massage the dumbest guy in Florida’s Mar-O-Golf …

    • I think DJT has been pretty busy lately, what with walls crashing down, ceilings full of cracks, ready for the giant cloud of dust/ whopper wrappers, greasy fries wrappers and scattering vermin and roaches to follow Adam Schiff’s long awaited bad news, hand carried US Marshal delivered, notice of court proceedings, with note that he should let family and business partners know he will most probably be on a very long vacation, into the world of reality, a place unknown to him all his life …

  3. doesn’t Cancun Cruz know his calls from his cell show what calls he made and when he made them? If his call mango man, there is an indestructible record of it. Just how long does he think he can keep THIS lie going?


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