The Secret Service has informed the January 6th Committee that, try as they might, they just can’t find those pesky deleted texts from insurrection day…

“The U.S. Secret Service has determined it has no new texts to provide Congress relevant to its Jan. 6 investigation, and that any other texts its agents exchanged around the time of the 2021 attack on the Capitol were purged, according to a senior official briefed on the matter…

The law enforcement agency, whose agents have been embroiled in the Jan. 6 investigation because of their role shadowing and planning President Donald Trump’s movements that day, is expected to share this conclusion with the Jan. 6 committee in response to its Friday subpoena for texts and other records…

The agency, which made this determination after reviewing its communication databases over the past four days, will provide thousands of records, but nearly all of them have been shared previously with an agency watchdog and congressional committees, the senior official said. None is expected to shed new light on the key matters the committee is probing, including whether Trump attacked a Secret Service agent, an account a senior White House aide described to the Jan. 6 committee.“

I got just one question.

Have ya’ll checked the couch cushions?

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  1. They CAN be retrieved. The question is whether to do so. Why? I give you the NSA. Every, and I mean EVERY transmission (say, texts from a cell phone searching for a cell tower, and that tower’s relaying to another receiver and so on) is picked up by the NSA. There is more computing power at the NSA than anywhere else on earth, and given all the goings on in DC it’s laughable to think that every fucking thing that’s not sent over a secure landline gets picked up. And more importantly stored.

    Now, there are laws that require the NSA to destroy records of innocent stuff between regular ole Americans sending their banal bullshit back and forth to each other. Even in the case of run-of-the-mill government employees communicating they can’t store away communications. Unless there’s a potential National Security aspect to something in which case it has to be turned over to the appropriate agency after which procedure may or may not require NSA destroying its original stuff. Also, it’s fair to assume that things that are SUPPOSED to by law preserved by various employees and turned over to the National Archives in fact get turned over, which again means the NSA would delete that stuff and in a manner that is truly permanent.

    There is however another whole aspect to this and that’s the presence of all those Embassies and various foreign folks in DC be they official embassy people or for the lack of a better word spies. It’s not secret Trump didn’t give a fuck about security, and despite training it’s not a stretch to assume his protection detail was doing things by the book either. Trump, the WH and the folks around him had more foreign monitoring devices aimed their way and watching than an insanely hot and stacked woman deciding to strip down and sunbathe nude in front of a mass of male prisoners stuck on an island for ten years!

    THEY of course monitored and recorded everything. And transmitted it back home! Which means it’s something the NSA would in fact hang on to and in some cases be able to decrypt. So the question then becomes is it important enough to reveal the intelligence capability to decrypt some of this or that country’s communications – which would include admitting that we spy on our friends (who would be less likely to use hard-core encryption) as well as our enemies. Hey, everyone knows everyone does it but it being formally confirmed is another and potentially problematic issue.

    I’m sure there were still professionals at Homeland Security that knew shit, as in cyber stuff and truly destroying electronic records. On the other hand given how Trump polluted every agency it’s not hard to imagine someone approved by one of his political hacks more for loyalty to Trump than actual knowledge and skill might have gotten the job. And it’s not like it’s an unusual thing for Trump, like everyone before him to plant some political types into civil service jobs.

    When it comes down to it I wonder how hard they looked. To say I don’t trust their insistence that they tried really, really REALLY hard but by golly that stuff was just flat out gone is an understatement. Homeland Security including the Secret Service long ago (not just before Jan. 6 but even Trump) had increasing problems with credibility.

    But those texts are out there somewhere. And I’d be willing to bet the NSA has them if only via foreign sources. Whether the National Security damage of revealing that is worth it is a question I’m thankful I don’t have to answer or account for.

  2. The SS was ordered to provide those messages. If they do not, throw them in prison and quite frankly throw away the key. Every SS agent unable to comply with the committee’s order is quite obviously complicit in the attempted overthrow of our lawfully elected government. SS agents IN PARTICULAR need have their feet held to the fire on this one.

    Oh, and after throwing their worthless asses in prison, retrieve the messages-they are NOT gone.

  3. Hey punks…change your goddamn name. You suck at keeping secrets, & you don’t serve anyone but your goddamn selves. This time you didn’t get caught not paying the Colombian whores like you did last time. This time YOU ARE THE WHORES. For a fucking traitor. Liars & punks.

  4. A lot of conflicting information. I read somewhere yesterday that the texts had indeed been recovered and would be sent to J6 committee sometime today. I don’t know if this is true or not. I’m skeptical at best.


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