For those of you with real lives and not members of the left-wing commentariat that Matt Schlapp hates so much, you might not know that Hungary is very quickly becoming a nation governed in a way that Tucker Carlson wants for the U.S., very authoritarian, anti-Semitic, and racist “somewhat tolerant” (to put it nicely). Like all good proto-fascists, Hungary is busy cutting down on who is and who isn’t the real press.

Now Matt Schlapp tells Steve Bannon that he and CPAC might have to go a little Hungarian on us: (Video here from JoeMyGod:)

“CPAC is going to get more and more activists engaged in the fight on these things. And it’s not just what happens on the mainstage, it’s every news outlet is there, although Steve, I do want to break some news.

“We’ve decided to go a little bit Hungarian on the left-wing, I don’t want to call it press or media because they’re not, the left-wing activists that like to think they’re media.

Maybe he’s including people like us, who make every effort to be accurate because maybe he is tired of being reminded that he is alleged (it is not a fact) to have sexually assaulted the young man driving him to his hotel in Florida and the young man allegedly refused an invitation to “go upstairs.” As near as I can tell, no one that I’ve seen has reported it as fact nor failed to note that Schlapp denies the story. There is, however, corroborating evidence that will all get sorted out. I have seen no real reaction from CPAC.

Schlapp is doing it on his own.

“I don’t know why we’re letting them come into our house every year so they can beat the hell out of us and lie to us. So I’m not so sure we’re going to do so much of that anymore.

I am not sure what he’s talking about “coming into his house,” most of us would now decline the offer. And in terms of beating the hell out of us and lying to us, it’s ironic that he was speaking to Steve Bannon himself.

“If you’re a real journalist, OK, fine. But if you’re a faux journalist who’s just trying to go after and attack people, I don’t think you’re constructive to the conversation.” –

I guess that only leaves Hungarian-approved, sell-the-party-line journalists. He is going to have a hard time of it because even Sean Hannity has refused to go down Tucker’s more militant and racist path, so there are cracks forming on the Right, too.

Good luck, Matt. We are pretty sure a big lawsuit is coming soon enough.


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  1. You’re right – I wouldn’t accept an invite to enter his house. What I’d find enjoyable however in fantasy land is having the means wrap it up in five or six layers of Det Cord (basically, an explosive that’s exploding rope. It’s a little bigger than old-school plastic coated clothesline and is used a lot to cut through pretty solid stuff) and then being hung by crane over the remnants and taking a piss! Alas, I live in the real world where unlike conservatives I know better than to actually do something like that or suggest someone else do it. However, some people, Schlapp (and Bannon) among them bring forth the twisted side of me, the one that one of the instructors at Camp Pendleton who taught me how to use explosives as part of my M.O.S. say he was glad he and I were on the same side…

  2. It’s so funny how these right-wingers praise authoritarian leaders (not just Hungary’s, but also Russia’s–even North Korea’s under the right circumstances) but they rail constantly about “cancel culture” (only affecting “conservatives” or affecting “conservative values”) and any suggestion that right-wing media or “politician” be punished or reprimanded for their extremist rhetoric or actions–the very things they endorse when it’s directed at “liberals.”


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