President Biden took a few hours off Tuesday to recover from a root canal procedure and Faux News was on the case. Political reporter Hillary Vaughn went to Capitol Hill to accost Democratic Reps. Eric Swalwell and Katie Porter, questioning Biden’s “stamina” because he did not want to make a public appearance hours after having a dentist perform possibly the most painful procedure in their Dr. Mengele bag…

Katie Porter was quick on the draw asking Vaughn – “Have you ever had a root canal?” and shooting her a look which has caused many a perpetrator of corporate malfeasance to wilt under her questioning before the House Financial Services Committee.

It was an awesome clap back…

Huffington Post

“Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) had a short, sharp response to a Fox News reporter who approached with a question about the unexpected root canal procedure that President Joe Biden underwent earlier this week.

Hillary Vaughn noted to Porter how Biden “had to take off work” for the treatment, then appeared to push the right-wing talk point that Biden isn’t fit for office when she asked: “Do you think he has the stamina for a second term?”

Porter, without breaking stride, replied: “Have you ever had a root canal?”

The moment went viral on Twitter, garnering millions of views.”

Aaron Rupar posted video of the exchange:

True dat.

Yup. Didn’t hear from him for days. Such a blessed respite.

🤣🤣🤣 Isn’t that a prerequisite for Faux News?

Yup. Moscow never sleeps.




If I had my way Faux News would have to direct all their stupid questions to Porter.

She would make a great Press Secretary… were she not so valuable in Congress.

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  1. I’ve never had a root canal but I have had a tooth drilled and filled. I took off from work for the day. Working when the numbing agent makes coherent speech impossible is pretty fucking stupid. Add to it the inability to control one’s drooling and you’ve got a necessary sick day. Of course, to look at this from a fux nuz perspective, their “talent” cannot speak coherently anyway and I’ve always suspected their tee vee personalities of being drooling knuckle-draggers so I kind of understand vaughn’s confusion.

    • Granted I’m way more than a wuss when it comes to dental procedures but a root canal (I’ve had two) messed me up for a COUPLE of days! First, the meds during the procedure only diminished the pain to a “goddmamn this hurts like hell” level, and then there was the drooping jaw effect for hours afterwards. Pain meds after didn’t help either and sleep was next to impossible. Meds didn’t do much the next day either and while my speech was no longer slurred it still hurt to talk. By the third day the pain meds made it only painful. It was about five days before I only felt a little pain, say when eating.

      Granted, most people recover more quickly but most are shot for the rest of the day and even for those who tolerate serious dental work well there’s still the effects on the jaw before the numbness subsides that’s several hours at least.

      Good on Porter for slapping this “journalist” down.

    • Quite right Spike. Drooling and not speaking properly are essential pre-requesites for working at Faux. Someone who’s just had a root canal would pass un-noticed.

  2. She was probably thinking about a different kind of “root”–that stuff that shows her REAL hair color when she stops bleaching it regularly.

  3. Anyone who’s been watching baby huey has to be scratching their head how MILLIONS of our fellow idiots even begin to think baby huey is anything but a fat, out of shape, ball of dough, covered in orange makeup, with a bad comb over. Superman????? He couldn’t take on half the residents in any nursing home. I personally know a war vet, 94, who was walking 2x day up until a few months ago. The only reason he isn’t now, is he’s locked up because of his dementia. It baffles me when all these folks believe memes and NOT THEIR OWN GODDAMN EYES. The media are money whores, running around trying to keep sh*t going with false narratives. It’s only going to get worse. Buckle up for bullsh*t.

  4. Well, it’s likely the Faux Nooz gal has a painful experience as bad she could relate to. Having to screw Trump for a recommendation for her job at that actual fake news outlet. Or even on of any number of misogynistic creeps in management who despite a handful of high profile firings are still there and doing job interviews on the office couch! Not being a Congress Critter had I been walking up to Porter to express my admiration and witnessed this exchange I’d have loudly said something to that effect AND since I’d have had my cell phone recording my moment with a Representative I so greatly admire even if Fox would never air it I’d be able to plaster it on social media!

    What would she be able to do about the insult? Sue me? Fox would NEVER let her because they’ve already gotten so much unwanted attention over their toxic work environment and shelled out so many tens of millions to settle sexual harrassment and misconduct cases. The last thing they’d want is all THAT getting dredged up again.

    • Most REAL Magas in Trump world, would ask, “What’s this for?”, if you handed them an umbrella in a downpour, Faux News interviewers, have to study for weeks to know which end of the microphone points to those they are interviewing …

      They should have T-shirts that say, “SORRY, I’m incredibly stupid … don’t laugh, I don’t have any excuses for the way I am”, they continually, on a very public stage show no sense at all …

      It has become so common place on Fox, the pillow soft questions they ask Republicans, except for Trump himself, who, even under tutelage pre-interview from Hannity, basks in the realm of endless, massive, stupidity …

      • I think t-shirts that say “I’m with stupid” with the arrow point UP would do just fine. Hell, some of them are dumb enough to wear one that has the worth “with” crossed and replaced with the word “I” now that I think about it! Or “Stupid is as stupid does” with (“just look at me!”) underneath the main saying.

  5. At my last dental procedure, my face was numb from just below my right eye to clear down to the tip of my chin. I was supposed to spend the afternoon pulling weeds in the garden, but there was just no way when I felt numb like that. I took the rest of the day off. The procedure was in the morning but the numbness did not clear until evening.

  6. Regarding the reporter Hillary Vaughan–No she has not had a root canal but she has had a lobotomy–isn’t that a standard requirement for all the nitwits that network hires? Peter Doocey comes to mind, a rare piece of stupid amongst the blonde Barbies they like so much.

  7. I had a root canal. It turned into a n access in the roof of my mouth. I had * 3* dentists trying to drain it. I got a glove, and found the spot. My sinus infection had leaked pus into the palate. I was on Percocet for two weeks,,couldn’t eat solid food for 3 weeks, could only drink milkshakes and eggnogs. I was just 50.

    If they gave it to Donnie Donuts, he would confess to everything.

  8. I don’t know where these oral ssurgeons train, but I have now had 13 root canals ( the last one at age 79), and apart from having a sore jaw from having to open so wide for so long, I have never experienced anything to require me to take off work, other than the actual time element involved at some points. A numb jaw isn’t enough to do it, but I also know that my experience isn’t common. And so, I can understand that the average person might not be able to deal so easily. What the real stupidity is here is that the so-called reporter does the non sequitur of an afternoon away from work might equate with ability to fulfill duties for another term. What I like about Katie is that she doesn’t entertain the stupidity and get into a debate, but she merely asks a question without waiting for an answer because she knows multitudes of people can identify with the fear generated just by the mention of a root canal.

  9. i’ve never had a root canal nor a drill and fill, but i have had all four wisdom teeth removed one at atime… each was harder than the last, and had I not had it at the very end of the workday i would definitely had to take recovery time. And I i was only 22 or 23 at the time.

  10. It’s strange to me that Republicans never tire of making fools of themselves, but then I realize it’s so hard for another fool to recognize foolishness.


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