Well, the sun is moving across the sky. It’s past six o’clock on the east coast and so far all the TV channels seem to be broadcasting as usual. If you’re not a member of QAnon or missed the prophecy, today is the day that Donald Trump, who has really been president all this time, will step forward and be inaugurated finally, glory glory. Here’s the rundown of predicted events:

  1. TV sets will go dark as the media blackout occurs;
  2. When the lights are out, Trump makes his move, via the military, which he controls;
  3. Massive arrests of politicians, journalists and celebrities will occur, with and without public hangings, possible beheadings;
  4. Trump appears back in the Oval Office and is inaugurated as the first “real” U.S. president since 1871.
  5. Max Frost and The Troopers play at tonight’s inaugural ball, while Kimberly Guilfoyle does a lap dance on Mitch McConnell. (Okay, I made that one up.)

Now, the reality of the situation is that Trump is nowhere near Washington, D.C., he’s bunkered down in a quarantined Mar-a-Lago and his Boeing 757 is rusting away on a tarmac in New York. The details of that are actually quite amusing.

One engine is missing parts. The other is shrink-wrapped in plastic. The cost to fix and get it flyable could reach well into the high six-figures, a price-tag Trump doesn’t appear to be dealing with right now. Though the current state of his finances aren’t public, the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the hospitality industry home to so many of his businesses.

Flight records accessed by CNN show the 757 hasn’t been flown at all since Inauguration Day, when Trump’s use of Air Force One ended, leaving him to less showy modes of transport.

That’s the state of affairs in the physical world. Meanwhile, the forces of Q either have to put up by midnight or shut up — or, come up with another date for when the Great Orange One ascends.

As your faithful QAnon Qorrespondent, I will Qontinue to trawl the internet, looking for clues. But I have to tell you, it’s slim pickins today. And the only blackout I can foresee happening is the one Trump will be sitting in if the lights go out at Mar-a-Lago and he’s got no servant around to find the circuit breaker. You think Melania has the wherewithal to light a candle? I mean Qandle? Trust the plan.

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  1. “…Kimberly Guilfoyle does a lap dance on Mitch McConnell. (Okay, I made that one up.)” You may have made it up but it’s hysterical and totally gross at the same time. Ain’t enough brain bleach in the world to get that outta my head ewwwwww!

    • I read somewhere that Kimberly used to do lap dances for campaign donations. I haven’t had the time to fact check that. She did show pictures of the genitalia of her male “conquests” however. That’s been fact checked. That happened at Fox News.

      • Guilfoyle strikes as the sort of woman who ages very ungracefully to the point of Norma Desmond nightmares. Probably explains why she’s hitting whatever recreational substances she and Junior are indulging in so hard. She’s seen her future and it’s as ugly as she’s becoming.

        • What is odd, is that in her case she doesn’t have to rely on physical beauty. She was a prosecutor in San Francisco, as I recall, when she met and married Gavin Newsome. So why aging would be an issue to her — and I think you’re right, I think it is — is beyond me. In my experience, the only women who really freak about that are ones who have been living on their looks and have no other resource. Guilfoyle is a strange case. Something going on there.

          • Maybe it’s plastic, I have no idea, her looks are not outrageous and she COULD fit in at the next PTA meeting in her district, HOWEVER, every time she opens her mouth, the green slime flows forcefully …

            The feeling of a superior force, seems to be a problem for both Junior and the batshit crazy lady, even as they both say and do stuff that might happen outside during recess at a public school by first graders … of course, we would expect better from those 1st graders …

        • She’s already reached that point which may be why she seems so desperate. I’ve seen photos of her when she was with Gavin Newsom and she looked so different: elegant and classy. Now she looks like a panic-stricken 51-year-old trying to ape a 22-year-old woo chick in a pick-up bar trying to grab the attention of some ex-frat boy with a backwards baseball hat.

  2. I’m wonderingwhether much will be made there been much made of the head of QAnon, Q himself, the leader of the leading white supremacist/conspiracy cult, at a time of attacks on Asian-Americans; being an Asian American himself, of Phillipines descent?

    • Likely not, just as no one makes much of the fact that Grand Inquisitor Torquemada, head of the infamous Jew-oppressing Spanish Inquisition, was of Jewish descent himself. Facts get in the way of the fanatic’s faith, which, as David Cornwell AKA John LeCarre reminds us, always hides a secret doubt.

  3. Per the Gregorian calendar today is March 20th……per the Julian calendar, enacted by the last REAL Emperor, March 20th won’t arrive until 13 days from now.


  4. CCR called it way back when: “Well, I’m here to tell you now,/Each and every mother’s son,/You better learn it fast,/You better learn it young,/Cause someday never comes.”

    The diehards will go to their grave believing in this junk. But I suspect that the numbers of the faithful will dwindle well before then. This is the crowd that always hated and disrespected the hippies for being unrealistic dreamers. Funny how a lack of self-awareness turns you into what you hate eventually.

  5. Even the dedicated Q followers can’t make any sort of rational sense with their delusions.

    “Trump appears back in the Oval Office and is inaugurated as the first “real” U.S. president since 1871.”

    *IF* this point is true, then what was Trump back in 2017? You know–when he was first inaugurated? *IF* you try to follow this “logic,” then Trump was NOT President for the last 4 years and he can NOT “make his move via the military which he controls” since he’s never really been the Commander-in-Chief (a title which is given to whoever is President) since he wasn’t a “real” President–by Q “logic.”

    • Don’t forget that time runs at a different rate in the Q Continuum

      Also, don’t forget that the first date of 03/05/’21 is read outside the US as 3rd May ’21

      Just saying

      • I refuse to let the Continuum be associated with this powerless display of impotent asshattery. While Q isn’t the nicest of guys nor as all-knowing as he likes to pretend, he DOES comes from a race that can get things done.

  6. I just hope that videos about the orange bastard stop showing and advertising him.
    I am sick and tired of seeing his lying face all the time. The news media is notorious for showing him when ever they talk about him as if we don’t know who he is.
    He will go away a lot faster if they would stop giving him publicity.


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