Twitter is always a fount of wondrous things. #DementiaDon is trending away this afternoon and off in a dark corner I found this. The author identifies as I “love God, love the Plan for Humanity, love Q, love Trump, love JFKJR, love our earth. preach truth and pastor of Torch church! Yeshua is here!”

Now is it coincidence, do you suppose, that this is trending number two?

May 5 is Cinco de Mayo, when the swimming pool will fill up with margarita if you’re Chosen.

I started following her myself, exact same reason. You never know when you need a little extra crazy to drop into a piece. This gal looks like she’s a Crazy Factory.

Nope, they’re not coming back for them. We’re stuck with them.

Alright now. You’ve got the inside scoop. This is the Big Week. Dementia Don back in power by Thursday. Righto. Get the countdown clocks running. Pop the popcorn, make lots of coffee, and chug a lug those uppers. You want to be awake for all of this.


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  1. “We pray so it’s accurate” – they should start praying *that* it’s accurate. It would help them far more.

  2. So, is she aware that her “rich of the world” comment means that Trump will be a simple poor schlub? Or does she not believe her Almighty Trump is really the billionaire he says he is? She can’t have it both ways. (This isn’t a case of Schrodinger’s Cat, here.)

    Also, most of the folks who’ve been backing the MAGAt crazy train are billionaires (multi-millionaires at the very least) so, I guess, she’s warning of their impending financial doom as well. (Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of hypocrites, if you ask me.)


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