Per Politico coller heads have prevailed and drumpf’s fever dreams of a stand alone “Space Force” will be a failure to launch.

Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan has recommended that a new Space Force be established within the Air Force, making it a separate branch akin to the Marine Corps, which is part of the Navy but not a fully fledged military department.

“It’s going to be small, as small as possible footprint, that’s why I recommended it sits underneath the Air Force,” Shanahan said told reporters at the Pentagon on Tuesday….

….Shanahan also said Tuesday that a senior officer has been identified to head the newly formed U.S. Space Command, a headquarters established by Congress in the last defense policy bill.

“We do have a person that we’re going to move through in terms of who would lead the Space Command,” he said, without identifying the individual.

Mr. Pickens could not be reached for comment.


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