There is some truth to the adage that there’s no fool like an old fool. Pat Robertson retired and we were glad. Now he’s out of retirement and shooting his mouth off about foreign policy, a topic of which he knows nothing, but that never stopped him from talking before, right? I wish he would find a hurricane to banish. Remember he tried to banish Hurricane Florence in 2018?

Robertson is of course using his platform to disparage Joe Biden. Biden has played a masterful hand in the Ukraine War. The last thing he needs is this old snake oil salesman and tent revivalist telling him what to do.

Nevertheless, here we are.

These people love them some End Times. And they’re all convinced that they’re the ones going to Heaven.


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  1. Biden is an easier target for him than Zelensky and all those Ukrainians (especially women) staying and fighting for their country. I don’t ever allow myself to forget and also try to inform/remind others about younger Pat Robertson, son of a long serving GOP Senator. To please daddy and help insulate his father during the Korean War Pat got himself into OCS – much as it pains me to say it in the Marines. PAT was confident that unlike in WWII when it didn’t matter who you were, that as was the case with others of money and/or influence if not avoid service entirely he’d be able to avoid getting sent to war. Trouble was, as the end of his time in Basic School (the six month course every Marine Officer goes through to learn how to lead an infantry platoon) like his cronies his orders had him slated to head to Korea!

    He whined and whined about how his daddy the Senator hadn’t wrangled him a nice, safe staff job up in DC or at least some training gig stateside. Fortunately for him, but not so much for the rest of us at the last minute he was able to joyfully tell his contemporaries he wouldn’t be on that train west and the big boat to Korea after all. I rather doubt it was his father, but growing up in that world Pat knew other people, much like Bush 43 did. The bottom line is he spent the Korean War nice and safe in DC in a staff job.

    What’s going on in Ukraine has got to be an unpleasant reminder of his COWARDICE. There’s a reason why he was in the Talking Head Brigade of that marvelous (before it got shut down – I’m convinced by Trump minions) New Hampshire Gazette Chicken Hawk Hall of Shame.

  2. Back in the eighties, this idiot said, on his show, humans were SUPPOSED to destroy the planet to bring his jeezus. One should never underestimate the stupidity of x-tians.

    • I really think you don’t need to paint all x-tians with that brush. Televangelists are the least Christ-like of any people, religious or not.


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