History will record that 2024 was a definitive year for the Republican party, the year that it morphed into the ____________. And no, I don’t know what goes in the blank. I’m waiting to find that out just like everybody else. There’s only one thing that is certain: the GOP can’t keep going on at the rate it’s going. It’s a freak show. It’s a total joke. When the fringe elements united in 2016 and nominated Donald Trump, that was the end of the GOP as we knew it.

We knew it. Democrats saw the demise of the GOP with great clarity, but somehow the Republicans didn’t. Forest for the trees kind of thing, I expect. They thought they would muddle through with Trump, get the Supreme Court stacked (they did) get the judiciary stacked (they did) get some executive orders and some legislation passed (meh — they did themselves more harm than good) and keep going. The first two years the Republicans had a unified party. If there was ever a time to pass health care, it was then. But they had nothing. They could do nothing. Even with a unified government they couldn’t govern. And if you can get things done when you’re running both chambers of Congress and the White House, then you truly can’t govern. But it’s not surprising. Take a look at what they’re doing just the past seven days and weep. Or laugh. Let them weep.

Now the counter to all this, as you will see, is to depict both Bill Clinton and Joe Biden as sexual perverts. That’s the only way MAGA can go is to trash our candidates and try to make the world believe that they’re “worse” than Trump. Nothing is worse than Trump or even comes close. But you’ll see a lot of memes and AI generated videos of Democrats in the months to come. Ad hominem attacks are all that’s left when there’s nothing substantively good that you can say about your own candidate. And there will probably be more of these incidents.

Yes, the pattern is clear as glass. Trump is successful at ginning up the lunatic fringe. Of that there is no question. Let’s see where we are next week when Trump takes to Fox News, Nikki and Ron bash it out in Iowa and Vivek is off there in the weeds on far right-wing media, making a name for himself. Who knows? Things are so nuts now that maybe the next QAnon theory will be that Vivek — and his wife with the perfect ass, don’t forget about her — will be in the White House and Joe Biden will still be governing from a movie set. Or his clone will be governing from the set. However this is supposed to work. Stay tuned. It’s not going to get any saner, I promise you that.

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  1. Your “… the GOP can’t keep going on at the rate it’s going. It’s a freak show. It’s a total joke…” is the acknowledged reveal and reality. Succinct and on point. Nicely stated. At some point they’ll do their penance, and how, and they won’t like it one iota.

  2. Luke Skywalker : I’m pissed 😡 menacing light saber sounds, Woof,,,woof,,
    Ted Cruz: my pants are warm
    Bobart: hand me that tiara, no pole to large and I’m Miss closing time mistake.
    Jesus: check please
    me: I just got here, man make it a double
    and hon, tell the cook,
    I’m from Oklahoma rare steak,
    cut the horns, wipe his ass wave it over the stove and send it out , is that carrot 🥕 top?

  3. it’s so hilarious
    the innuendo,
    you have to fight??? who?
    you won’t have a country anymore
    ummm okay, pretty sure 😀 wal mart is open
    America is like third world country,
    Me: ordering Pinot noir box wine from the box local to be delivered..

    if this is third world
    I’m good.

  4. Think about it this way folks. In only two days the GOP has already racked up enough materials for a credible list of “highlights” (as in “stoopides” moments) for a year end show! Two fucking days. I shudder at what’s to come. You know the complaints every year about the Oscars and their “In Memoriam” segment where people are pissed (usually legitimately) over a couple (or more) folks who got left out? By the time Dec. 31 rolls around every sane person will have five or six items that they’ll be pissed get left out of the end of year review of the GOP! Hell, maybe a dozen or more.

  5. Isn’t this the movie where the small car pulls up and a thousand clowns emerge? All wearing red hats of course. Ted, disgusting looking, Cruz talking about who women would sleep with made me spit my beer! Damn that was funny. Do any of these guys own a mirror?


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