No Freudian slip here, this is cards on the table time, coming straight from Truth Social. So either this is what Donald Trump is really thinking, or Stephen Miller is doing a fooly on him and he doesn’t know. This is strange enough that I think it’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth.

This is probably not only Trump’s fantasy but realistically the only way he can extricate himself from his legal quandaries. Now this puts an interesting spin on things. Because what this means is that the Secret Service agents right now are Trump’s jailors more than they are his protectors. Unless, of course, they help him flee to Russia, Russia, Russia. There is that possibility.

I’m sure she’s right. Now the MAGAs are out there weeping, “Noooo ohhh ohhh!! Don’t go King Donald!! We’ll DIE if you goooo ohh ohh. Oh, please King Donald, I’ll give you every dime in the bank, and in my 98-year-old mother’s account, too.” 

My take is this: We know that Trump uses social media to process his emotions. That’s been known for some time. All his biographers and his psychologist niece, Mary Trump, have commented on that. So this is what he’s thinking.

Now whether he can pull it off is something entirely different. And Vladimir may give him asylum. Who knows? Or, he may not. This could be comical because Trump thinks he’s besties with Putin and the fact is, Putin played him like a fiddle. Putin’s larger plan was to have Trump pull out of NATO in his second term. There was no second term. If Trump flees to Russia, there will be no second term for sure. Ergo, Putin has no reason to help him.

Bottom line here: Trumpty is scared. He is shaking in his boots. And yes, he’s being manipulative. You can be scared and manipulative at the same time. But predominantly he’s scared. And well he should be. Well he should be.


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  1. If this cretin ran…add on more felonies. Then keep an eye on the news: NEWSFLASH! TRUMP FALLS OFF OF PENTHOUSE BALCONY IN MOSCOW! Putin doesn’t like it when his lackeys phuckup! Depends boy loses power. Gets labeled a criminal. NATO gains strength. Ukrainians are kicking his arse with American weapons. I’m not sure pootie will keep him for a pet. Melania sure. Diaperboy nah.

    • He owes Pootie and the oligarchs lots of money. Which he can’t repay and most of which they won’t be able to recover. So while they might enjoy seeing him splat on the sidewalk after a long fall from a very high up window, I think it would be more along the lines of that first John Wick movie. They will f**k with him by sitting down for a nice feast at their fanciest gathering place, or better still sending him into the dining room while they prepare his full “welcome” into their club, which will instead play out like in the John Wick movie:

  2. The only thing I’d like to see more than him in an orange jumpsuit in a small cell is him flying off to Russia in his plane, never to be heard from again. The next thing I’d like to see is all those Putin loving Magats following him, also never to be heard from again.

    Also agree that Pootie has no use for him now and a sidewalk sandwich would probably be on the menu if he did land in Russia.

  3. Trump is obviously being snarky. He’s saying, sarcastically, that he’s NOT a flight risk, how could he be? His feelings toward pootie-poo have nothing to do with it. As usual, the fact that he’s saying something does not mean it’s true; more likely it means the opposite. But taking him literally just plays into his hands.

    • Yeah, but if this were ANY other person facing even one trial (not just multiple trials in multiple jurisdictions), this little “snark” would land him in jail IMMEDIATELY to ensure he doesn’t actually take flight.
      At the very least, right now every one of the judges set to hear the various Trump cases should be calling in Trump’s lawyers and “advising” them–VERY STRONGLY–that thy remind their client that such rhetoric (or, dumbing it down for Trump, “talk”) can land him in a government facility (ie, jail) until his first trial begins. Maybe Trump’s private planes could also be locked up until his trials are wrapped up.

      • Fine with me. But whatever it is, that particular statement was not serious, it was a provocation, He is just baiting the court. If they were to fall for it (which I am sure they won’t, they’ve got enough on him like threatening witnesses, etc.) it would only cause more delay, when Trump argues that he was sarcastically saying just the opposite, that it’s ridiculous to think he would be a flight risk, and frankly, he would do his best make the court look stupid. But since they are anything but stupid, I am sure they won’t take the bait.

  4. It is now time to lock Traitor Tot up, and escorting him from prison to his trial(s) and back. He has had the means (but not the brains) to flee for a long time.


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