I don’t know how big this is going to get. Maybe the networks should start four walling coverage 24/7 and just have a chyron running, “Trump was nowhere near Mar-a-Lago the day that the FBI executed a search warrant, aka ‘the raid.'” It’s a literal impossibility to assassinate somebody, on the pretext of executing a warrant, when the person in question is in a different state at the time. Trump was in New York. Mar-a-Lago was, and still is, in Florida. Trump watched the surveillance cameras from Trump Tower. That was reported at the time. It is now being conveniently forgotten.

The language in the warrant is boilerplate and to the uninitiated, it probably seems quite dramatic. But this is how warrants are handled. And Donald Trump was the only president ever to serve who is utterly clueless about this, but then he doesn’t have a legal education as most of our presidents have had. He also doesn’t know much about how the real world works, having spent his life in a debauched bubble, also different from most of our presidents.

Mar-a-Lago was closed for the season. The fewest possible people were there and Trump was 1,200 miles away in New York City. He was in zero danger.

But let’s watch how crazy this gets on right-wing media. Let’s see if MAGA goes nuts and if some other congresswoman’s spouse is assaulted, or something equally insane. Right-wing media exists to gin up the lunatic fringe.

And naturally Bobo has jumped on board.

I don’t know if Boebert is this painfully stupid that she’s really buying into this new conspiracy theory, or if she sees it for what it is, an opportunity to fear monger and fundraise off the fear. Bannon wasted no time making a few coins off of this.

Please, Colorado, relieve us of this burden. And I don’t even know if it’s worthwhile to ask Georgia to relieve us of the curse of Marge Greene. I fear that plague may be with us a while longer.

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