No Sh*t. The GOP Is Literally “Big Lying” Itself To Death!


The real problem with following a crazed psychopath like Trump around, waiting for your marching orders is that, sooner or later, you end up every bit as batshit crazy as he is!

It’s springing up all over. In Florida today, GOP pus bucket Ron Pissantis signed a new, Trombie inspired restrictive voting law that already has him pissing his pants and whining for his Mommy. Because the Trumplodytes in the Florida legislature went so far so fast, that they didn’t realize until after they passed the bill that it would make voting by mail much more difficult and restrictive to do for their own senior citizens, as well as GOP friendly active duty military personnel. Now they have to live with it.

For months, Trump friendly news outlets like FUX News and NewsMax kept pushing the Big Lie that the Dominion voting machines were somehow rigged to change Trump votes over to Biden votes. And then morons like Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, FUX News, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Shapiro, all began getting slapped with $1 billion plus lawsuits from Dominion. Then came the deluge of retractions. Lou Dobbs got shit canned. Jeanine Shapiro got slapped down. FUX News had to issue multiple, explicit retractions about their coverage of the Dominion election scandal story. NewsMax just had to issue a lengthy, fawning retraction of their entire coverage of the Dominion voting machine mess, admitting that they made it up out of whole cloth, and apologizing. I can’t help but wonder, how does this play out with the loyal readers and viewers who now come to realize that they were lied to!

The Democrats ran the table in the state of Virginia. They have the Governors office, the Lieutenant Governors office, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General. All that being said, the GOP mental midgets in the VA legislature want to make voting harder than getting a mortgage on a house. So fucking difficult in fact, that their own rules would make it almost impossibly difficult for GOP voters to vote in this weekend’s state GOP primaries. And so, they threw in a waiver from their own rules for the primaries this weekend!

The Kill Shot – In the upcoming weekend GOP balloting for state wide offices in Virginia, there is a GOP state Senator that is taking no chances. On a last minute fund raising e-mail to her supporters, she explicitly told them not to trust the official RNC results for the primaries! Instead, she is telling them to come to her website in order to get the actual, true primary election results. In other words, Don’t believe what your own party tells you, I’ll decide if I lost or not!

Are you getting this? The GOP snake is literally already comping on its own tail. The whole problem with the Big Lie is that people can’t just leave it be, they have to find a way to make it work for them too! Trump created The Big Lie all for himself, but once it started to go to work, why wouldn’t every other sad, pathetic, third rate loser GOP candidate out there not contest the results. Hmm, I wonder what the ultimate outcome will be?

The Republican party is literally rating itself whole. Trump created The Big Lie as nothing more or less than a way to lick his nuts for getting his ass kicked against Biden. But once it became so successful for him, everybody in the GOP suddenly started deciding to use the Big Lie as an excuse for their own shortcomings.

This. Is. Insane. The whole purpose of The Big Lie was to  give Trump a way to soothe his savaged feelings at being rejected by the voters. But now, instead, statewide, GOP candidates are already telling their voters that there is no reason to vote if they aren’t on the ticket, because it was all rigged!

Keep an eye on this going forward. Because it appears as though statewide GOP, candidates are not only telling people that Trump didn’t lose in November, now they’re starting to tell their own supporters that they didn’t lose, even if they did.

In other words, it appears that as a result of Trump’s success in keeping The Big Lie going, down ballot candidates are now stating that their own voters shouldn’t even believe the results of their own primaries! to follow suit. The GOP is literally telling their own state voters that they can’t even trust their own elections, much less national elections, The simple question being, Why vote? Thanks to The Chaos Theory, The GOP are literally doing everything in their own power to keep their own voters home in 2022. This is insane, even for the GOP!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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    • The Republicans want voters to vote like they did in the rural areas in Texas back in the 1940’s, back when LBJ was still a Dixiecrat and the big landowners could tell their field hands how to vote, box 13 style. They want future elections to be run like the Texas Senate election of 1948.

      Read Means of Ascent by Robert Caro. Well worth the read. In fact give the whole series a whirl.

      On a side note have a peek at a Texas Senate election 1948 Senator_Lyndon_Johnson picture from that period and look at a picture of Ted Cruz (Yes I know that’s a lot to ask of anyone) before he decided to stop shaving, the resemblance is disturbing.

      • And that is the biggest problem with nostalgia. In the end, there is no “back then” to go back to. Everything that made such things possible are gone.

        “The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet.”–William Blake, Proverbs of Hell

      • Um, Simon. Johnson was a DEMOCRAT. He was NEVER a “Dixiecrat.”

        You can think what you want about Johnson’s politics but do NOT lie about his political affiliation.

        In the Wiki article on Caro’s series of books on LBJ, there’s an interesting note: “Caro argues, for example, that Johnson’s victory in the 1948 runoff for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate was achieved through extensive fraud and ballot stuffing, just as Johnson had lost his 1941 Senate race because his opponent stuffed the ballot boxes more than Johnson.” So, Caro himself recognizes that LBJ did NOT do anything that was out of the ordinary for that era. (Let’s not forget that JFK’s 1960 win was the result of some “irregularities” in voting–mainly in Chicago but also in Texas.)

        • On a somewhat related note, Joseph, I really see Biden being to Obama what LBJ was to JFK, the old hand who made the idealist’s vision some kind of reality.

  1. This is the behavior of people who are watching reality about to swallow their hopes and dreams whole. Can’t tell if they’re in the denial or anger stage of their grief…could even be the negotiating phase.

  2. Alright. I’m going to announce RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW that no matter what the results are from this weekend’s GOP primaries in Virginia, I want everyone to know that *I* am the winner of ALL the races. That’s right. I’m the declared winner of every single GOP primary race, no matter what the GOP Party leadership (or that batshit crazy senator) says.

    Even though I am NOT a resident of Virginia and have never lived in the commonwealth, that shouldn’t matter in the least. *I* won every single GOP race and I will maintain that claim and force EVERY GOPer who claims otherwise to pay the funds necessary to audit the results of the races (since I’m not claiming that I lost, I don’t have to pay for any recount–I will simply maintain my legitimate claim that I won every single GOP primary race).

    • I’m with you 101%, Leader Joseph. Even though I don’t live in Virginia either and I didn’t vote for you (in fact I did a write-in vote for Ferris Bueller), but don’t let that stop you from naming me your Special Campaign Super Consultant, beginning last week and with a retroactive salary of hmmm let’s say $20,000 a week. Cash. And a company Porsche. Because you’ve already won everything, we won’t need to actually campaign, so I’ll retire now, with a pension of hmmmm let’s say $20,000
      a week, on a lifetime basis. It’s been great not working with you.

  3. Right now, this is all so crazy. Are we going to become like the samizdat in the USSR era? The truth is there but you have to keep it under wraps. Apologies if this makes no sense, but the R’s appear to be acting crazy and how are ordinary people supposed to respond? We are indeed through the looking glass. Please keep reporting.


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