Trump Approval Plummets to 38% and Majority Thinks Trump’s Compromised – Quin Poll


A majority of Americans now affirmatively believe that Russia “has something” on Trump according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday.

It would appear that we are feeling the first waves ripple in from the Helsinki disaster, or #TreasonSummit as it became known.

But the news doesn’t end there.

54% say Trump was not acting in the best interest of the U.S. at the Helsinki summit.

73% say the summit was a success for Russia.

I think this is big, because this necessarily includes some “Trump people” and, though it is possible that they can think it was a win-win situation, the question seems framed more as a “who won?” matter than overall opinion.

70% of Republicans don’t believe there is compromising information against President Trump.

Meaning more than 25% DO believe the Russians have compromising information on Trump and is thus susceptible to Blackmail? We cannot square the 45% overall approval rating last week with this number unless either the WSJ poll didn’t properly account for the Summit (information gathered too early) or that many Republicans don’t care if Trump is compromised.


Trump’s approval rating is at 38% compared to 43% after the summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, according to the poll.

Reviewing the information, it reaffirms one’s belief in America as a self-governing people, and makes one wonder about the integrity of the WSJ poll released which showed Trump’s approval ratings at 45%.

We all know the WSJ is owned by Murdoch and – though the WSJ has been able to keep some of its integrity and editorial freedom away from the Foxians, it’s still conservative and one can still have one’s doubts. Quinnipiac has never been known to “lean” one way or another, the question has most always involved its methods.

To the extent that this has any “meta” meaning for the nation, it tells me that there is now a majority quite ready for Robert Mueller’s real indictments.

Oh, and, by all means, Mr. President, jackass, sir – Sir Jackass, please proceed with that Washington Summit this FALL so Putin can oversee operations to steal the 2018 election attempted fraud.

EDIT TO ADD: Missed this entirely:

And speaking of Twitter, Follow along with me, please, entering second month, not buying pretend “followers” – all natural. @MiciakZoom


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