Don Winslow comes up with some gems but this video is the most compelling I’ve seen on this topic. I hope and pray that it receives wide coverage from now until the 2022 midterms. It is simple incredible, in the 21st century, that a law like this would be passed in the United States, relegating women essentially to property of the state and putting anybody who helps them obtain an abortion in grave legal danger. This is sheer dystopian sci fi, but it’s real and it’s taking place before our eyes.

What every woman begins learning from very early on is that sex is a complex thing. If it’s an expression of love and passion between two caring people, it can be transcendent. If it’s an expression of violence and hatred, of a man brutalizing a woman because he can, that’s a completely different story. And then there’s all the shades of expression and experience in between, sex gained consensually but exploitationally. But while the social and psychological aspects of the act are many splendored the biological aspects of the act are identical, they can all result in pregnancy, even though they are as different as day and night.

The Republicans in Texas, and elsewhere, are either so far removed from reality that they don’t see these basic distinctions, or they flat out don’t care. AT least they don’t care if it’s happening to somebody they don’t know. There’s no question but if one of Ted Cruz’ daughters got impregnated by rape that she wouldn’t be forced to deliver the rapist’s child, but he’ll never admit that. The elitist aspects of this law are incredible. It will disproportionally impact the poor and that’s known going out of the gate.

A pregnancy is a pregnancy is a pregnancy, no matter how it came to be, is how this new law reads. That is the casually cruel illogic here. Rape and incest are not the same as consensual sex. There is no way to justify that stance morally and to legislate it is beyond all imagination. Yet that is precisely what has taken place in the State of Texas.

They are not protecting the innocent, unborn child. They are punishing the victims of rape and incest beyond all endurance. And then they are putting a terrible burden on the family of the child conceived by rape and incest, to provide economically for the child, who has neither been planned for, nor conceived within the boundaries of any kind of sane human relationship or social contract. And finally, the child him or herself, when born, is going to wear the mark of shame and know that s/he’s different from the other kids. It’s naive and unrealistic to assume otherwise.

This law is blind sighted and vicious. And the fact that other states, such as South Dakota, are talking about implementing this law as well is simply abominable.


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  1. Texas has a long history of not caring much about women, especially if they’re not rich white women. The (white male) Rs in Texas can’t be bothered to be anything but rich white bigots and liars.

    • 2018 republicans lost seats in congress and in the Texas house and senate. 2020 was a big supposed to be a big push to pick up more seats by democrats that failed. trump won texas again. on the other hand neither side picked up seats which was seen as a republican victory so the remaining republicans in the Texas leg went hard right (from center right to be honest). They will control redistricting from top to bottom and have surgical knives out on how to divide up districts. However this will be difficult. Texas is now only 40% white, the growth has been in urban districts that are mostly black, brown and asian. Cracking and packing these districts will end up losing a couple of seats in both the Texas house and the congress. this abortion law will only speed up the process.

  2. I have said here and elsewhere that we need to vote out ALL republiQanons (all republicans are Q-Nuts now) everywhere at all levels! And this horrible and unjust law is just the latest reason, they have been giving us many more reasons for decades!
    BTW I am an old white guy in Iowa!

  3. The great state of Texas as long as you aren’t a woman, know a woman or know about an unwanted pregnancy. And in states like this men think it’s alright to rape their siblings. And many incest babies will be wards of the state because of learning disabilities and other disabilities. But the mother didn’t have an abortion. This is sick shit. What do these legislators do. Sit around with a centerfold of the constitution for those intimate moments. Oh yeah, I want to move to Texas. And bring as many migrants as I can find. No I don’t want to move to Texas. They can go to hell.

  4. Time for Texas women,(& anywhere like it), to stage a sex boycott. Time for them to consider vigilante justice for rapists & the elected officials who support them. Time to file a bunch of lawsuits against all the mothers, daughters, sisters,etc., of the ones who voted for this. Claim u have some basis for believing they are pregnant & considering abortion(doesn’t have to be true…heard of the big lie?). Time to fight fire with goddamn fire.

  5. This is indeed the United States. Whether it remains a United States where women control their bodies, health decisions, vote, etc. is up in the air. The five theocrats on the S.C. ought to scare the f*ck out of any and everyone believing in any freedoms we still hold. Unless some of those theocrats are removed or the S.C. is changed, we will not have any freedom for much longer.

    I wonder if the yahoo evangs realize that in the taliban, only a certain few have any power at all. Ditto ISIL, al Qaeda, etc. The masses, even the male masses, do not. Since a x-tian taliban is what they’re going for, they might want to look into it a bit further.


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