Donald Trump lives in a world of stark contrasts. As much as possible, his sycophants and enablers keep him insulated in his adamantine echo chamber. But occasionally he ventures beyond the parameters of his bubble and hears what Americans have to say. That was the case Thursday morning when he visited the casket of Ruth Bader Ginsburg — wearing a mask, of all things. He doesn’t care about protecting the living, but he’ll wear a mask to protect the dead?

Chants of “honor her wish” and “vote him out” roared through the air.

Doing his insult comic routine for the adoring, sign-waving base at the MAGA rallies is one thing, hearing the vox populi of America is quite another. America has a big message for him, scheduled for delivery November 3.

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  1. Anyone else flashing back to the Nationals game he foolishly showed up at only to be dumbfounded by the chorus of boos he got which made him run off?

    • I thought of that as well. I couldn’t remember what game it was, but I remembered the image. He’s very uncomfortable when that’s going on. That’s the reality he can’t face, how much he is hated — much less what he has done to deserve it. The man gives new meaning to the phrase “tone deaf.”

    • Add that to that appearance before the U.N. General Assembly when he found himself the center of attention speaking to a packed house. Apparently he thought he was at one of his MAGA rallies and tried a slightly watered down line from his stock lines and they literally laughed in his face. The asshole appeared to think he was so admired everything he said would generate thunderous applause from world leaders and when they laughed at him he was literally stunned for a couple of seconds, but at least he carried on but at least he stuck to his script and didn’t engage in more MAGA like ad libbing. He’s devolved since then and I think if the same thing were to happen now he’d storm off the platform.

  2. Trump IS a true lizard …

    There is NO respect for the giant person in that casket, she was the hero of thousands of caring, intelligent people across this country and I’m sure some of those that care so much are in other countries as well …

    RBG cut a groove through those that are like Trump, it’s now on us, the regular coffee over a gingham tablecloth, with those stars in our eyes beginning to fade a little, the tarnish on so many lives at this moment is totally owned by the stupid in this video … he’s SO stupid he is even mentioning possible non-acceptance of the election … the legalities of statements like that, now, EVEN BEFORE most of the election voting are mind-boggling …

    Our neighborhood is showing red banners for Trump/Pence, very few Biden/Harris around, we are wondering if people out here are afraid of the gun-centered beer-gut crowd, loud and outspoken … I know we, at 75 years old, are NOT posting our signs locally … out in the country, blowhards say some awful things sometimes, with no examples, their claims parrot numb nuts in the WH …

    SO, RBG has left us with a huge challenge GOTV, be aware of phony stuff you may hear, work directly with your County elections people registration/absentee ballots, get them in ASAP …

  3. I can’t help but wonder if his staff forced him to wear the mask, having first shoved some freaky BDSM electrified butt plug up his ass and threatened to jolt him if he so much as touched it while in the vicinity of the casket – to keep him from spitting on it! You know he wanted to. Hell, he probably had dreams of doing far worse. I shudder to think what he was whispering at RBG’s casket – stuff about he’ll fix her by appointing someone who will spend decades erasing her life’s work and legacy just like he’s spent his time trying to erase Obama’s. Not to mention all the sexist slurs he could think of. Given his much touted transaction nature there was nothing at all politically beneficial to him in showing up because NO ONE believes he has any respect for RBG, a woman who was so much smarter and tougher than him. The only thing that makes sense to me is he wanted to stand there and since she couldn’t speak back and tell him how full of shit he is insult her. That’s the only thing that was in it for him.

    Kudos, major kudos to the crowd for driving him off!

  4. I quit drinking somewhere around 20 years ago, nothing weird just a personal choice. I told my wife that when he gets voted out and does the walk of shame, I’m watching with a beer in my hand. She’s still laughing……..

  5. What? Hate the number 1 serial killer of all time in the US? Wonder how much we would hate Ted Bundy if he kept on killing while going on t.v. saying it’s not a problem…just ignore the bodies of dead, raped, bludgeoned women. Meanwhile also saying he plans to overthrow our democracy so he can keep on killing on the taxpayer dime. 202,000 dead Americans MINIMUM. Remember the experts claim there may be 10x more cases due to No Testing. We can easily assume the death total is much greater. Hey America. Had enough yet? VOTE!!!! VOTE this fascist serial killer out of office & send him to prison where he belongs. My hate will lessen that day.

  6. President Trump is the greatest president we’ve EVER had!!! Hate comes from the socialist that think they’ve won the presidency through big time CHEATING. God help us!!! Let the truth come out!!! President we love you!!!


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