I guess Mike Lindell didn’t read the reviews for “Absolute Proof” which were absolutely horrible. In all events, he’s launching a new social media platform, Vocl, in the next few weeks and it’s going to be all voter fraud, all the time. Should be good for insomnia, don’t you think?

I sincerely hope that Lindell has better luck with the technical aspects of Vocl than he did with this remote interview.

I think that Lindell ought to use cat face filters on his website all day and night, don’t you? Seriously. And maybe we could use the soundtrack from Cats! as well.

And do you suppose this will be the set he uses for Vocl, 24/7 coverage?

The guy can’t even use Zoom, but he’s going to be a media mogul in a few weeks. Hoe kay. As a friend told me years ago, if you don’t know how to do it, you need to know how to hire it done. Maybe Lindell knows how to hire it done.

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  1. Just another formerly relevant clown struggling in the aftermath of disgrace. Should work out about as well as Parler did…but at least it’ll give the troll brigade somewhere else to congregate rather than bother us here.

  2. It won’t be called VoCL; he’s already gotten a notice that it’s too similar to an existing name. And he’s seriously delusional about what he’s going to be able to do. A good site designer could have a website up in two weeks, but not something like this. A team might be able to get a start in a couple of months.

  3. On the upside of this, I haven’t seen this moron’s face hawking his “My Pillow” crap (or the “spin-off” stuff that he “invented”) since he went all Trumper douche.

    As for his channel, it’s going to be interesting to see what he considers “evidence of voter fraud” that–for “reasons”–couldn’t get in a court to be heard by a judge, even a Trump-friendly appointee. I mean, seriously: They had weeks when they were making these claims of voter fraud but could never seem to manage to provide a single scrap to a judge just to determine if there was actual cause to make it to court. (And you have to wonder how many real lawyers they had who understood–and futilely tried to explain–you had to go to the judge with just a teensy bit of actual evidence to convince the judge you had any kind of case.)

    • Everything written here is NEGATIVE,, I hope Mr. Lindell gets the TRUTH out to America,, our FBI and CIA ,courts are ALL corrupt as the evidence presented so far would have Biden out of office and hopefully in prison with all his family,, our country is so screwed up it is hurting EVERYONE, I miss the real President DONALD TRUMP. SIGN THIS INFOMERCIAL Cliff McConnell, Michigan Man!!!

  4. Rather than dumping evidence, he’s digging through refuse dumps in the hope of finding anything (or is that where he gets his pillow filling?)

  5. Just watch and see you evil ones! God will expose the corrupt ones! God is working and laughing at you all right now for attacking His followers!

  6. It’ll be a nice change to hear the truth for once! I for one can’t wait for this to happen! God wins in the end and He will not be mocked!

  7. Grifters gonna grift. He will probably separate a few rubes from their money.
    He must’ve attended the P. T. Barnum school of business.

  8. umm. Been waiting for evidence a long time. Not seeing any. Nope. He’d be better off looking for ufos. There are always a few that never get explained. Been a registered voter for, erm, almost 50 years. Never a problem with voting. Not saying there aren’t problems, but I believe they’re called voter suppression.


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