If you could take an x-ray of the body politic in this country, you would see metastasizing cancers on it, and Michelle Bachmann and her evangelical wingnut platform, Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Channel, would leap out at you as an area morbidly diseased. Copeland’s prosperity gospel has prospered him to the tune of $900 Million and his sycophants watch his channel with great devotion and send him money that they don’t have to spare — because his wife, Gloria, preaches that if you don’t tithe, Gawd won’t give you anything and you will go to Hell, which is hotter than Texas, she opines. Maybe she’s been both places? She is surely married to Satan, about that there is little question.

People with no hope and even fewer answers show up in the pews of the prosperity gospel ministries. Their ranks have swollen since the 1950’s. Some go there dreaming of Bentleys most just go there to belong. It’s tragic that they give so much to people so undeserving — Jim Bakker leaps to mind — but they do. Pew Research Center says 64 million people identify as evangelical Christians. Joel Osteen claims that he reaches 100 million homes. Point being, this is a substantial subsect of voters and they are listening to some of the most bizarre and off the walls dreck that you can imagine.

Enter Michelle Bachmann, stage far-right.

And joining her is Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose theories were described as “loony” by none other than Mitch McConnell.

This is the essence of the QAnon, religious, gun fetishist, anti-government dogma. You can only trust the church and its version of Geesuss, who is more of a cosmic bellhop and game show host than a real deity. If you get lucky and he finds favor with you, he’ll go get you what you want and give it to you as a prize, you don’t have to work for anything — except the church. They’ll teach you everything you need to know. Ask Bachmann. She’s a teacher at Pat Robertson’s Christian “university.” Again, so much of this would be comical if it wasn’t as serious as a heart attack.

The level of disinformation and illogic in this country is staggering. But this is who the GOP is cultivating. This is Trump’s base. The Republicans think of little else.


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  1. Unfortunately, I think that IS the real problem with Republicans, they can’t think of anything else … only focused like a laser beam on the root of their, “staggering”, illogic claims and disinformation … NOT one positive plan has been presented or even had productive discussions … McConnell’s my way or no way, has a big problem, he and the rest of the dregs in Congress don’t have a, “way”, of their own …

    A big percentage of the population in the USA, is already getting used to the ideas presented by Biden, they are sick to death of the unholy way Trump eased the virus into our homes and bodies, the losses of family members is a huge black mark for all, a majority, of the good old boys of the Republican club that permitted the Trump disaster in complete silence, their complicity speaks louder than their whining fools, like Gym Jordon … Trump SHOULD have been stopped a long time ago, perhaps even before so many people died from the virus …

    I was thinking of Jim Bakker as I was reading into your post, everybody needs to buy freeze dried food stuff, I believe you said once he has fallen to that level, the mounds of cash on the table back stage was a big problem once revealed as his pocket change …

    The bigger the scammer the harder they fall … Trump is WAY overdue …

  2. Do these wing nuts not get that zombies, vampires, etc are not real? Have they spent so much time watching the Walking Dead and other sci-fi, paranormal stuff that they’ve confused it with reality? Pretty soon they are going to start talking about flying dragons, armies of undead, flying superheroes, etc. These people have lost their marbles, if they had any to begin with.


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