Oh. My. God! Yesterday I wrote an article in which I compared Democratic candidate to GOP candidates in the era of His Lowness. And I showed that the path that most newbie GOP candidates were taking in the House was to emulate their Messiah, and con the shit out of everybody. I told y’all to start looking for more of that in 2022 GOP primaries. But even I never actually expected proof positive in less than 24 hours!

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Jackson Lahmeyer. He’s a 29 year old Tulsa native, runs some kind of investment fund, and also is an ordained pastor with his own Tulsa church. He has also just announced and mounted a 2022 primary against long time OK GOP Senator James Langford. And he’s off to a flying start.

Now, there are very few things that I agree with Langford on. But while he is very conservative, he is also a sane conservative. One thing I have always admired is his willingness to appear on MSNBC and CNN when asked, and then explaining and supporting his stance on the issue at hand. I always listen to him simply because he presents a logical argument and position.

Lahmeyer is obviously a laureate graduate of Trump University. He has come flying out of the gate, leading with the con. When most candidates make rally speeches, they end with pleas for donations to their campaign. Lahmeyer apparently has an answer, Fuck that shit! Lahmeyer went into a long, passionate, mostly incoherent anti vaccine rant, and then he tried to close the sale. He closed the deal by begging supporters to make donations to his church, in return for which he would issue printed religious exemption forms for vaccinations!

Look, I’ve never actually run for public office, but even my dumb, spectator ass knows that you can’t use a political campaign to beg for personal donations! You can beg and whine for campaign kaboodle, and friends can beg for money for a PAC or Super PAC to try to help you along, but you can’t ask people to send you money because you promised yourself a Maserati by the time you were 35.I’ve already started an egg timer to find out how long it takes for this chucklehead to get a letter from the FEC.

This is exactly what I was talking about when I wrote my article last night, I just didn’t think it would be this quick, or this blatant. The Latin on the Great Seal for the city of Chicago reads Urbs in horto, which means City in a garden. Under the Daley Democratic machine, iconic Chicago political columnist Mike Royko suggested that it should be changed to Ubi istic mihi est, which means, Hey! Where’s mine? Considering the fact that Daley is dead, I don’t think that he or the Chicago Democrats would care if the current GOP borrows it to class up their logo a bit. Don’t touch that dial.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. So he broke campaign law? So what? Trump signed the checks to stormy & his lawyer went to prison. Trump hasn’t spent a single goddamn night in jail. The law in America is one big unfunny fucking joke. Made by the rich for the rich to legally fuck the powerless. Fact. All the lip flapping doesn’t change the truth.

    • WOW, now for the rest of the story … oops, Scott+Jackson in his fine statement above has made it all perfectly clear, a feeling shared by more citizens everyday … what the hell, how has Trump and a majority of Republicans in both houses, ignored the Constitution, rules of law, and more importantly, the on-going death threat of un-bridled Covid-19 …

      One piss-ass CT after another, tearing down our man who sits at the top level of Virus science, lab processes, and told Mr. Paul blasting his nonsense around that Paul didn’t know what the hell he was talking about … strike one up for Dr. Fauci …

      These mindless swine only have one plan, tear down our democracy, take away all limits and oversite as already built into our Constitution and rules … if they are pressed to describe their platform for the future of our planet and Citizenry, they have no plans … just so much Trump lies and discord, resulting in major crimes against our Capitol …


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