Nothing like becoming an overnight revolutionary, except the reality is that this particular person probably got into the military with delusions of grandeur and now he’s taking advantage of social media to come out full force as a militant personality.
There are several clips here of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. This will give you the complete picture. My only question is, how many more of these guys are there in the military? This is sounding a bit too Mike Flynn-ish for me.
Here’s how this started out.
When I served, Marine officers stayed out of politics. Maybe, times have changed. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller posts on social media that he is “prepared to throw it all away” as he openly criticizes the SecDef, Marine Commandant, and the Joint Chiefs.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 27, 2021
Scheller also announced he was resigning his commission today and forfeiting all future benefits for his family.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 29, 2021
Finally, it sounds like Scheller’s wife is not to happy with him throwing his career away to go full MAGA.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 29, 2021
Let’s use Occam’s Razor, shall we? Maybe it’s as simple as this. Maybe Scheller got in touch with Mike Flynn and Flynn told him how he could live the life of Riley, just going around and lecturing on the right-wing circuit and he would be paid handsomely for this. Flynn probably told him about the trash bags of money that Roger Stone collected for his cancer stricken wife at one of the rallies. And you get to be a hero, too. I honestly think that that is what is going on with a lot of these new found folk heroes of the right.
He may be spinning out, but my instinct is that he’s spinning straight onto the dais of the next right-wing conference. He’ll be there with Ted Cruz, Charlie Kirk, you know all the names. Maybe I’m reading this wrong. Let’s just keep an eye open and see, shall we?
And also, reading between the lines here, his wife apparently went ballistics when he became a news item the other day for trashing his superiors and losing his command. I think her reaction is quite understandable. That wasn’t a minor boo boo, that was a serious eff up. If Scheller’s got nothing left to lose, then all the more reason to go become an icon of wingnuttia. Why not?
Anybody want to place bets on this one? I’m more than willing to hear other possibilities. I think a new RWNJ star has just been born. The Dark Side claims another Jedi Knight.
The real success of RWNJ conservatism, following the money by convincing other people that THEY are following the money.
The guy does sound pretty out of it. I’ve had friends in the military and if I learned one thing it’s that you respect the chain of command. Anybody who doesn’t do that is toast. This guy toasted himself, for reasons he understands, I guess.
First he says he doesn’t need a dollar from anyone. He winds up saying well, maybe he does although perhaps it should go to his wife.
For those who ask where were his colleagues, his shipmates as he got to the point he did to trash his career I’d be willing to bet they told him to take some leave and get his shit together. To keep his mouth shut. Not to trash his career and his family’s financial security. But NOOOO! He had to go and play the big shot. Shoot off his mouth not just the first time but follow it up with what can reasonably be interpreted as threats.
It’s scary to know there are people like this in the ranks that are trained and losing their shit like this. Perhaps he’ll get picked up as a commentator for some RWNJ outlet but there are only so many of those spots to go around as I’m sure many a person in the Trump administration learned to their dismay after January 20th.
As for working for some defense contractor, he’s surely going to lose his security clearance over this and THAT will impact his being able to quietly get a good paying job. No wonder his wife is pissed and apparently said she is or might be out the door. I don’t know this guy’s personal circumstances but if they were living in base housing they are about to be homeless with no income unless his wife works. And the health care? Well, all of a sudden “Obamacare” is going to be looking pretty good to this asshole! But what if something happens in the meantime before he or his wife can get them signed up for new coverage? What about the sudden increase in cost of living by no longer being able to shop at the Exchange and the Commissary?
I’m remembering a moment from Mutiny On The Bounty when I was a kid. Where, as he’s headed into the lifeboat the asshole Captain makes an astute observation about what “Mr. Christian” has lost, and says “What a price to pay for a little show of temper.”
I think in that last clip some reality was starting to creep into this dude’s brain housing group as in wondering just how much he’d fucked up both his own life but his wife’s and children’s too.
I wonder what fellow jarhead John Kelley is thinking about this. THAT asshole managed to keep his true nature secret for three decades. Kelley has to be shaking his head over this guy not being able to keep his for three freaking years to secure his retirement and benefits for himself and his dependents. Of course, I shake my own head in wonder that I once wore the same uniform, and shudder at the prospect of once upon a time having to take orders from either. (I never served under, or to my knowledge encountered Kelly back in the day but for a brief time we served in the same area)
I wonder how many years he’s been slowly going off the rails. Probably since 2009, at a guess.
Someone maybe let him know that he wasn’t going to get any higher up. (LtCol is pretty good. One of my mother’s cousins-by-marriage got there from *enlisted*, in the Army Corps of Engineers, one of only two they know of.)
I hope this guy doesn’t decide to get violent with his wife and kids. He sounds pretty far out there. Get him some help!
Beyond disturbing.
Is he going to be another one of those 107.000* homeless veterans within a week? A month? A year? Or is he going to be one of 20* veterans each day, who commit suicide?
*Department of Veterans Affairs