Drop everything and watch this, it will put you in a great mood. Here we are, friends, a few days away from Black Friday, which means we will all be purchasing goodies for Xmas, if we haven’t already started. And I’ll tell you right now, this would actually sell if it was real. This is a great gag. Kudos to Jimmy Kimmel for hitting it out of the park once again.

Mar-a-Lago is all the rage today. You may have read here earlier how a Trump Organizaton officer, Jeff McConney, burst into tears at the very mention of the place. Seems he’s been accused of mickey mousing with the valuation of the property and that’s getting him down a lot.

Generally speaking, it’s not a good sign when a defense witness begins to cry when asked a simple question about a job separation. I mean, the unemployment people do that every single day and rarely does an applicant start bawling their eyes out. But then again, this is Trump world.

I’m sure the Ghost of Marjorie Post is waltzing through the halls of her old estate, Mar-a-Lago, at night and cursing the fact that it ever came to this. Post built the estate in the 1920’s and it was meant to be gaudy and excessive. It achieved that in spades. Now it’s old, tacky, and way out of style. But owned by the most gaudy and excessive clown in America.

And actually, maybe Trump is right. Maybe the place is worth billions. We don’t know what Top Secret documents he might still have stashed there, or what Saudi money. Think about it. And say, has anybody checked Fort Knox lately? Because if Trump had a way to do it, he would make off with the national treasure and that would be stored at Mar-a-Lago.



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  1. I want one!!! I wonder when the courtroom to county jail to federal prison edition comes out? Might as well complete the set!

    • It seems like Trump’s series of State and Federal court scenes could put him on a merry-go-round of transfers from one holding cell to another, just to keep tabs on him, also encourage prompt arrivals on court dates … The chances of him appearing in bright orange outfits continues to accelerate daily … Waving his hands, screwing up his rubber faces, getting red faced angry, all things he is doing day after day, his gag orders have been decimated and ignored … Judges REALLY hate that, so with more info like this last hit, Trump MAY be fitted for a Bright Orange outfit soon …

  2. Man-go-Lardo is the perfect architectural match for Trump: ugly, tasteless, ostentatious, decaying, and well past its prime if it ever had one. Nouveaux riche. Trailer trash Versailles.

  3. So funny I am still laughing! Bigly.

    red handed? nah it’s just ketchup…
    DNC has got to get the rights to run that in an ad
    leading up to xmas. then a new one to
    celibrate the Primary and of course the
    grand ol’ finale, the general election
    (if he’s in it that is. fug do it anyway.))
    the choices are tremendous…
    they would go down in history as the epic case of
    how legos helped taunt orange foolius, spread the word
    and win the war for democracy.

    (rudey’s tunnel sold seperately…sharttttt.)😲😂😂😂


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