The Associated Press is reporting that Donald Trump’s orange state palace, Mar-a-Lago is partially closed because of a COVID outbreak. Uh oh spaghetti-ohs, as Kurt Vonnegut used to say.

That’s according to several people familiar with the situation, including a club member who received a phone call about the closure Friday. A receptionist at the Mar-a-Lago club confirmed the news, saying it was closed until further notice, but declined to comment further.

A person familiar with club operations said that, out of an abundance of caution, the club had partially closed a section “for a short period of time” and quarantined some of its workers. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the situation by name.

Maybe Melania will have to cook breakfast for Mr. Tangerine Man. Or, I suppose there’s always Uber Eats and McDonald’s. The moral of this tale is that Trump can’t run his own household or his own life, never has been able to, and he sure as hell had no business trying to run a country of 300,000,000 people.

It frankly would not surprise me if between Trump and Ron DeSantis, if Florida became a COVID death trap. Maybe this will act as a wake up call.

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  1. Want to make a small bet Ursula that somehow this will all be spun to make it Biden’s fault?

    Akthough, it would go a part of the way to explain his recent trip to New York – probably to get the staff there ro get his suite ready so he can move in.

    • Moving back to New York would make sense, in that he prefers the decor in his penthouse. I heard that Melania’s redoing the digs in Florida were not to his liking. That may only be for the summer, though and he could winter in Florida.

    • It was a quick trip, but my guess is there were some items that Trump really, really wanted to get his grubby little hands on (and away from prying eyes in NYC) and take back to FL. NYC, or even anywhere in the state is the last place he wants to be given the increasing possibility of one or more indictments. Current Florida AG Ashley Moody may not be Pam Bondi but she’s a kindred spirit and huge Trump toady. He’s probably counting on her to bring the full weight of her office to fight extradition to New York should it become necessary. Plus, since Mar A Lago is on the water he’s probably lined up a boat to be on standby to haul his ass out into international waters if it looks like he’s going to have to show up in NYC to face charges. No helipad on Trump Tower!

      • No helipad at Mar a Lago either – they made him rip it out once he got sacked from his job.

        It’s also still undecided if he can live there anyway – the agreement seems to be that employees can live in, but he’s not an employEE – he’s the employER

    • Trump supporters are already saying that every death since Jan 20 is Biden’s fault, because being obviously ridiculous has never stopped them from saying stupid stuff.

    • What I love about all this is the Trumpian paradox, which is 1. Give me credit for a vaccine, 2. Which my supporters won’t take, because a) it’s a liberal plot and b) COVID is a hoax, anyway.

      • and c) the vaccine is not to be trusted because it was developed so fast by relaxing regulations. (This is the one I hear all the time).

  2. The, “SPINS”, in DJT’s days are running pretty thin, his usual hand-clapping, rubber facial signals, has been diverted to grifting enormous quantities of cash for survival in court, but it looks like the oligarchs are drying up faster than Donald can brush and set his hair …

    No one seems anxious to throw millions at a failing old man with nothing but lies and grift on his micro mind … I’m wondering which, “truly qualified”, lawyer will represent him for little or no pay …

    Even Putin is on another plain, dishing around with Biden … DJT IS in the past now, in more ways then he will ever admit … the truth bombs are already released from those super high flying planes and only the winds know exactly where they will land and how hard …

  3. This whole saga gets loonier and loonier! So what is T going to do? I keep waiting for him to make a runner. I hope no one gets seriously ill, as the local staff and maybe even patrons don’t have access to the kind of care Trump and Mel received, but . . . How weird is this?

  4. Bedbugs, (which are harder to get rid of than cult members), and now, cooties. Money just doesn’t go as far these days. What next? Herpes outbreak amongst the coke brothers?

  5. The Republicans already have places for him to go.

    Just ask Sidney Powell.

    Something about Venezuela, or Cuba, or something…


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