Anything that we could speculate about Lindsey Graham has already been said before. Donald Trump must have amazing kompromat on him. Yes, we’ve heard that. Graham has undergone alien mind control. We’ve heard that as well. Graham is terrified of his own voters and only Trump can protect him from them. Sad, if true. And maybe that’s it.

There is no answer and never has been for what made a man whom Hillary Clinton once described as “funny and good company,” and who was the best of friends with both Joe Biden and John McCain, turn into Mango Mussolini’s lapdog. Nobody can parse it. Maybe the secret will go with Graham to the grave.

Graham’s latest is absolutely his nadir — so far. He can plunge yet further. What that will look like, I have no idea, because I never thought things could get this far.

The “network show” referred to is OAN and I’m getting that from further down thread. Nobody seems to know WTH Graham is talking about here. Only that it’s completely pathetic.

Here’s a thought that may address at least part of this: Graham is involved in his own election fraud in Georgia. He was making calls about “finding votes.” Maybe in mitigating Trump’s plight, Graham is trying to take the heat off himself. If so, this is not the way to go, that’s for sure.

For the Graham Cracker to blow off Trump’s criminality like it was nothing is a betrayal of everything the man used to stand for. It’s a betrayal of Biden and McCain for sure. But what’s worse, is it’s Graham betraying himself. Loyalty to Donald Trump is the worse possible course of action for anybody in the GOP to take.

I’ve often wondered what kind of kompromat Trump has. What could it be? Graham murdered somebody? If it’s merely homosexual conduct, that’s the worst kept secret in Washington, that Graham is probably gay. Frankly, I would find it refreshing if that came out and Lady Grey, as he is purportedly known in certain circles, could come out of the closet. I would applaud that if it happened, I think most people would.

What is worth selling your soul for? That’s what I wonder. We’ve all been wondering it for years with respect to Graham, since this bizarre and unnatural fealty to Trump started.

How far will Graham go? Throw himself on Trump’s funeral pyre? So far it looks that way. Well, Linseed, you won’t have long to wait. The Marmalade Messiah is going to go up in flames on many levels, legally and politically. And it won’t be too much longer now. The next 15 months will live long in American history. That’s a prediction you can take to the bank.


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  1. Based on what you allude to here, it looks like Lady Linseed De Grey has really got tongue-tied when blowing their little pickle, not so straight and forthright, but out their turncoat arse. Sound’s like Linseed is concurrently coming and going, and in doing so, is furthering and securing their most troublesome and career destroying future.

  2. Li’l Lindsey Lickspittle made himself irrelevant long ago. Nobody cares what he says or does. In Congress he’s a laughing-stock on both sides and a pariah outside Congress. He’s much like the repellant Raphael Cruz, just a slimy man flailing around in the swamp, trying to stay above scummy water.

    • That occurred to me. Lindsey is dirty in this. He got on the phone as well. If I’m not mistaken, he got on the phone to people in Arizona, as well.

      • I eondered, too, why Miz Lindsey wasn’t indicted with this group. But I have a sneaking suspicion that Fani Illis hasn’t finished yet.

  3. What on earth is Miss Lindsey talking about? It’s not quite the word salad spewed on us by former guy or palin, but it still doesn’t make any sense.

    I’ve to say though, if my re-election depended on former guy’s goodwill, I’d be way better off losing.

    • My take on it was that he had to say something and so this is what he could cobble together that sounded 1) complimentary to Trump; 2) critical of the other side; 3) witty. It failed on all counts, but that’s because there is nothing that Graham can say that will touch all those bases.

  4. Great news Lindsey honey…there’s a place you may be visiting soon that has a vast array of potential suitors for you. They love love bunnies like you. Then when your tyrst is finished, they will enjoy your tears. The rest of us are burned out on your histrionics.

  5. When I read the headline of this piece, my first thought was, AGAIN! Then it reminded me of Gene Hackman in The Bircage,you know the phone call at the beginning with a ladder at the side of the house…Mr. Cracker (ha! Thanks Ursula)is hiding something that may reduce him to crumbs.

  6. Homosexuality may be no big deal in Washington, but I’m betting it is in South Carolina.
    Though, based on the reception he got the last time he spoke there, he might want to update his resume.


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