We are a nation split in two. Today’s indictment of Donald Trump widened the gulf between the two Americas that much more.

MAGA, on the one hand, is united behind right-wing media. They believe that Trump is a victim. Their mantra, as you’ll see at the end of this first clip, is Trump saying, “They’re not coming after me. they’re coming after you. I’m just in the way.”

Trump as savior is the theme today and that’s the first clip that you will see. The second clip is the one you’ll love. It’s a parody of Trump’s predicament, set to the melody of I’m So Excited. These clips are a brief synopsis of where the warring tribes stand in this country and then see where the legal scholars stand, after today’s history making indictment.

How did we get here? Did Lady Liberty and Lady Justice claim that America was her baby? And then wise King Solomon said, “Let’s cut the baby in two,” and they both said, “Fine?” Because that would seem to be the case. Somehow America got rent asunder.

We’re two Americas, two tribes. Right now the rule of law itself is under attack.

And here’s a horrifying thought: after today’s indictment, legal scholars began meeting to discuss what would happen if Trump was tried and convicted while running for office. We’re headed straight for a constitutional crisis because nobody knows the answers to the questions before us, can Trump serve, if elected, under these conditions? The Hill:

“There is no disqualification that says that if you are indicted, you can’t run in the Constitution. There’s not even a disqualification that says that if you’re in jail, you can’t run. And so the Constitution itself has limited qualifications and doesn’t say that you can’t serve if you’re indicted or in jail,” said Prakash, who’s also the author of “Prosecuting and Punishing Our Presidents” in the Texas Law Review.

The big unknown, however, is when the criminal prosecution – and possible conviction – might take place given Trump’s candidacy. Those questions could become murkier if the former president wins reelection for the White House in 2024.

“The easy answer is we have no idea. We don’t know because it’s never happened,” said Susan Low Bloch, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown Law School.

If Trump wins the presidency in 2024, Bloch sees two possibilities: “One is that the indictment and thereafter a trial goes forward, even though he’s now president, or the indictment gets sort of suspended,” she said.

The indictment would get “sort of suspended.” Meaning that nothing would be done until Trump left office. Which means that Trump might never leave office, he’ll just stay in the White House, in a government coup d’etat, for life, so he can escape accountability. And the GOP would cosign on that. Think about it.


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  1. The billionaire class, hiding themselves from the unwashed masses, promoting the lie that the working class has the opportunity to pull themselves up by the bootstraps in Ameruhka, use the poorly educated, the antisemitic, the racists, the toy soliders, and those sweating in their home made bunkers, surrounded by can goods and ammo, to cower the rest of us with their braying like wounded donkeys. They don’t want democracy. They are sick. They are evil because they are gluttons for money and power, and don’t care if dead children are the costs. Like all addicts, they won’t stop until we live in a country where rich fascists make the rules for all of us. They do now to a degree, given what they have done to date, but it’s hidden for the most part. They’ve had to dance to democracy even if they’ve tipped the scales. They’re tired of dancing, and want the rest of us goose stepping all the days of our lives. WE CANNOT GIVE IN TO FEAR! When something positive happens to promote the balanced rule of law to promote democracy, goddamnit, CELEBRATE! We haven’t won the war, and the founders’ revolution continues, but we haven’t lost it either. When given a choice between stupid, murdering, fascist, cult members, or the smarter, democracy loving, creative true patriots…well no amount of screaming can make me choose EVIL DARKNESS.

  2. Will the secret Service get adjacent cells? Will 45 have to be kept in solitary because, aside from the RW gangs, most inmates would just shank him and be done with it? “Add another life sentence. It don’t matter”.

      • The Aryan gangs will.protect him, but he has a,target on his back from the Hispanic and PoC gangs. I doubt he would be in gen pop myself, but he would still.have the SS with him. I believe their protection ends after ten years.

        Solitary, out of the cell.one hour a,day. Forced to eat what’s served. TV only getting educational and religious channels. He can barely read so he is gonna be bored as hell.

        I would settle for house arrest with an ankle monitor. He can only venture out of the residence for the dining room and the patio,where he can watch others golf I g but cannot play himself. He cannot barge into events held there. And a gag order barring him ftom.discussing his appeals with anyone but his attorneys. Becoming a nobody and deprived of press coverage is his definition it ion of hell. Can they !make him.wear an orange jumpsuit at Man-go-Lardo?.

  3. The sad thing is, this could’ve been avoided if the feckless coward Merrick Garland had grown a pair.
    This should’ve happened 2 years ago.


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