before we start, here’s a prediction. Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial starts one week from today. And he’s losing it. Because his every move is geared towards reelection, everything is to satisfy his base. As such, look for Trump to push Judge Jose Merchan right up to, and if possible over the line on his gag order, so he can claim martyrdom by getting slapped with home confinement and loss of social media privileges pending trial. Anything to keep the weak Nellie’s from actually listening to the actual evidence.

Now on to the main event. Traitor Tot is feeling the burn. And that burn is the Gates of Hell opening up under his feet. Not only is he to say the least reluctantly preparing for trial next Monday, he’s behind the DNC and Biden in fundraising, his legal bills are about to go through the roof with the stratospherically higher in court billable hours, but he’s personally making it impossible to get elected in November.

Right now I’m likening Mar-A-Slobo with Hitler’s 1945 bunker under the Chancellery in Berlin. And I’m not being facetious, sarcastic, or symbolic. Every crazed, hysterical speech that emanated from Hitler’s demonic brain in 1945 was geared directly for only the most loyal, dedicated, Aryan disciples, bullsh*tting them to the last with delusional phanton western armies descending on Berlin to save the day and turn the tide of the war.

And so it is with Traitor Tot. As the walls close in around him, he becomes more desperate, hysterical, and insular. Just look at his hysterical diatribes over the last month or so;

  • He has called faithful GOP voters who dared to vote for either Ron Pissantis of Nikki Haley losers, and claimed that they aren’t hard core enough to be true believers, so f*ck off!
  • During the primaries he angrily threatened deep pocket GOP donors that had contributed to haley or Pissantis with being frozen out from a future Trump administration
  •  Ever the douche nozzle of the Gods, even after he sealed the nomination, he threatened the deep pocket GOP donors with a 2X donation match to his campaign as penance for their prior sins
  • By hook or by crook Trump is using his status as the Diktator of the GOP to force the RNC to chip in for his personal legal defense fund. This is choking off donations from donors who not only don’t want to support Trump, only downline candidates, but small money donors that are sick and fed up with receiving 8-12 donation requests a day

Worse yet is that El Pendejo Presidente is running on a basic platform that is totally toxic to anybody not named Trump. Here’s why. Trump has never won the popular vote in an election. Worse yet, he has been shedding support from the very soft GOP, independent, and disgruntled Democratic voters who squeaked him through the electoral college with Vlad the Imp’s assist. And what is he doing to get them back? Absolutely nothing!

You heard it here first. His Lowness is going to lose white suburban women voters by a larger margin than any GOP presidential candidate in recent history. For two reasons.

First of all, while everybody from Nancy Pelosi to his own daughter has counseled The Cheeto Prophet to stop calling immigrants animals, he is constantly doubling down. In fact, it’s becoming a staple of his racist xenophobic rallies. He proudly retells the tale that even Nancy Pelosi told him that he should stop calling immigrants animals, and his response is, I’m not doing that! I call them animals because that’s what they are!

News Flash! Dipsh*t! The brown wave isn’t coming, it’s already here! In suburbs all over this country, there are white suburban GOP women wnho live next door to, or on the same block as Hispanic children from all over Mexico, central America, and South America. Their parents make a good enough living to live in the suburb, and their kids play soccer together. They’re not animals, they’re friends! And if there’s one thing that ia guaranteed to raise a mothers hackles, it’s a fat, racist poltroon trying to teach their children to think of their playmates as animals.

Second. There isn’t a GOP incumbent in the country that doesn’t know that the issue of abortion is so toxic that they can’t survive it with hazmat suits on. Every GOP incumbent would like to take the 2024 election and put it in the wayback machine and take it back to the 1980’s, when only the far right wingnuts were getting themselves all hot and bothered over the issue of abortion.

And here’s Il Douche, making abortion the central masterpiece of his campaign rhetoric. In rally after rally, Trump proudly takes personal credit for overturning Roe v Wade and unleashing the state-by-state nightmare we are all sadly only too familiar with. And now he’s gilding the lily.

As I wrote recently, ever since 2018, not only has Traitor Tot been shedding white Evangelical support like a cat in the fall, but the Evangelical church has been shedding followers, in good part due to their undying support for a fat, lecherous apostate. And as I wrote, how much of a hit do these pastors have to take in the collection plate before they ascend their pulpits and start to denounce the false prophet?

Trump is desperate, and now he’s crossed the Rubicon. In a speech today he vowed his pledge to promote a national abortion ban if he is returned to the White House. As transactional as a street corner 3 card monte dealer, Traitor Tot is willing to sink his party as long as it saves his own fat, pasty ass.

Problem is, the Democrats are already prepared. There are multiple states with ballot initiatives to enshrine abortion into state constitutions in battleground states this year, including Ohio, Nevada, and Florida. The Democrats are preparing to mount grassroots field offices in each state, knocking on doors and logging phone bank hours to ensure that every citizen in every state is fully awsare of just what’s at risk for reproductive rights in November.

And worse yet is the ample fodder that His Lowness is giving to the Democrats. The ads write themselves, especially in critical swing districts and states that no matter how Blue you may be, a national abortion ban would override your state constitution. And Trump is gifting the Democrats the golden goose.

White suburban GOP women stomped Trump and the GOP in 2018 over his over the top policies and rhetoric. In 2020 they stomp-ed him personally. The Dobbs decision in 2022 turned the GOP’s vaunted massive red wave into a teacup spill. And now in 2024, Trump is about to hand the Democrats the keys to the kingdom.

Think about it, people. White suburban women in safe states like Illinois, New York and California are motivated to turn out to protect their self autonomy. And in vulnerable swing districts and states that Traitor Tot has to carry are going to go out in drovers to protect their self autonomy, even in states that don’t have abortion initiatives on the ballot.

In Trump’s megalomaniacal insistence on a purity test, he is, like Hitler from the bunker, extolling only the most pure and faithful. And in doing so, he’s pissing everybody else off to the point that his reelection is almost impossible. And it’s only going to get worse as he becomes more and more distracted by his legal problems. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. I am watching the absolute terror of the g.o.p. with a great deal of glee and satisfaction. They spent over 4 decades knitting the ass-hat of racism, xtian bigotry, anti-everyone not a white, preferably male, cis, oligarch and ran consistently on a platform of “we’re going to get rid of Roe if it’s the last thing we do”. I am guessing Will Durst was correct when he surmised the last thing the gop wanted was for some idiot to take the ass-hat off the shelf and dance around in it.


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