There are a couple of junkies devout MAGAs down Mar-a-Lago way who are in desperate need of an intervention and have been for quite some time now. Things are only getting worse. That said, tonight’s podcast by Donald Trump, Jr. has hit a bottom that I didn’t think even he was capable of. But then again, my motto is, “There is no low they won’t go,” so I shouldn’t say this surprises me. And let me be clear, it’s not the audacity of the comment, it’s the utter stupidity. Junior has turned into a character that would strain the brains of Franz Kafka or Rod Serling.

Now that’s just the opening clip, to give you an idea what condition he’s in. And he does this ditzy thing with his voice when he says Joe Biden’s name. He suddenly gets nasally and particularly obnoxious. It’s the damnedest thing. You listen to it and see how it strikes you.

The annoyance that I think I get from listening to Junior, especially that awful sound he makes when he pronounces President Biden’s name, is that it’s so infantile. It’s the kind of infantile speech that I remember from junior high, when 12-year-old boys would say something about sex, something “dirty” and “shocking” to freak out the little girls. Junior is still there on some level. He might be 46 years old but there hasn’t been a whole lot of emotional or intellectual development the past 34 of those years.

There is some real mental illness here, make no mistake. And there’s some physical illness as well with both Junior and Kimberly.

They’re both skinny the way a lot of “beautiful people” get and stay skinny, which is by being coked out. This is not the picture of health, either one of these two people. Junior takes shots at Hunter Biden all the time. Hunter’s been clean a number of years. I don’t think Junior can go one day without getting loaded.

Think about it objectively for a moment, if you’re able. Junior is 46 years old, his *fiance* of the past six years, whatever it is, is 55. She calls him “Junior Mints” and he calls her “Mamacita.” They both make money by being part of the entourage of his crooked mob boss father and they get loaded a lot, evidently. Or, maybe they’re both just animated guys, like Junior claims.

What the hell kind of a life is that, if you stop to think about it?

Kimberly looks like she’s in physical pain and Ozempic can cause stomach cramps, severe diarrhea and/or severe constipation. She didn’t want to be on that stage, clearly, when that photo was snapped.

Both Junior and Kimberly look like wraiths. They are not healthy. At some point these two are going to collapse. You don’t need to be practicing at the Mayo Clinic to figure that one out. They’re just part of the collateral damage of Trump world. Trump has been spending the past eight years preparing for a spectacular blow up and when he blows, it’s going to make Vesuvius look like a kid’s party favor by comparison.

Our task is to get as much distance between him and our government as is humanly possible.

I’m sure Junior will blame Biden for sunspots and acne next. Or for AIDS and sheetmarks on manicures. He is that far out there. His “job” is to gin up the rubes with precisely this level of drivel and buffoonery and so it would be totally in character to make every episode more ridiculous than the one before.

I expect his podcasts to get increasingly unhinged from reality as he gets closer and closer to either the hospitalization which is impending or maybe the OD. Again, I don’t think you need a medical degree to see what is taking place here.

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  1. I’m waiting for him to blame Biden for WW 2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and any other spots of unpleasantness that occurred in the past 80 years.

    btw ‘fiancé is the guy – the female is fiancée

  2. Reining in social media will do a few things–all of them good. It will plug the sewage hole of mis/disinformation thereby eliminating upwards of 90% of the garbage (yeah, I know. But I can dream can’t I?). It will do somewhat to protect our kids from more than just mis/disinformation (think bullying etc.). And perhaps least importantly it might keep people like Uday here from drug-raged rants which serve only to make him look like an ignorant git two steps from having the men in white coats come for him.

    The guy is a trust fund baby and a loser which is one hell of a combination and one that occurs all too frequently in this country.

  3. Junior’s rant are only going to get worse when it’s his turn on the witness stand as a defendant, as an executive at his father’s skeezy real estate empire. He’s as dirty as his father.

  4. He claims to have flown over 300,000 commercial air miles last year. I would not want to be on a plane with that person. He seems like the type to flip out and endanger the flight and have to be physically restrained.

  5. Didn’t Kimberly have a role in Van Helsing as one of the vampires flying around shrieking nonstop? Don’t know what to say about Casey Jones ridin that train high on cocaine. Cocaine…she don’t lie but junior enjoys the fantasies that roll around in his fevered brain. I don’t blame the coke. I’ve done coke a number of times and never had those depraved and stupid ideas. Nope. It’s his brain or lack of one. Like what was said in Wizard of Oz…some people without brains do an awful lot of talking.


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