There it is, another Onion-esque headline. As always, I mourn the fact that Mad Magazine went out of business. I guess they decided that a beyond parody world was no place for them. And when you can read headlines like this anyplace besides an outlet devoted to satire, I guess they’re right.

Ronny Jackson has consumed many more shots than he has ever administered and Donald Trump Jr. lives in a world where all lines matter. Neither one of them has any business speculating about the recreational substance abuse of any other human being. Nevertheless, here they are.

I just listened to this clip again to see if it was really there. I suffer from this malady where I often wonder if my computer is haunted or if I’m really locked up somewhere, in a mental hospital, basically, and hallucinating all this. I’ve felt this way about reality for some seven years now. I never thought this way at all when Barack Obama was in the White House, but when the Obama era ended and the Trump era began, life inverted and what was black became white, what was up became down. A practicing junkie talking to a Dr. Feelgood M.D. known to have a drinking problem about another man’s substance abuse just takes the cake — for now. I have every belief that tomorrow or the next day something will come along to eclipse this outrage. What I would not give to be able to take a urine test of either of these clowns right this minute.

In fact, nothing else but lines do matter. Lines on the mirror, lines on your face.

There it is folks, another episode of Projection Theater, starring two of the greatest masters of denial this side of Egypt, Ronnie Jackson and Donald Trump, Jr. Let’s close with this musical interlude, shall we?

You know what they say, things go better with coke.

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  1. Beyond parody.

    Donald Trump Jr commenting on SOMEONE ELSE’S drug use?

    He’s so stoned he can’t see the glass house he’s standing in.

  2. Wow! If Biden is jacked-up on something, he sure is doing it with more aplomb than these two PSAs for “your brain on drugs!” Junior can’t say all the denigrating words correctly ’cause his “brain” is just flying! And Jackson has been arrested for assault while publicly intoxicated! If Joe Biden is on something (not), he musta learned the most important rule that these two losers never heard of…ya gotta work WITH the drugs or they’ll work against you! 😉


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