Kudos to Jerry Brown for being the voice of reason. Dubya should have gotten us out of Afghanistan and likely would have if he had actually listened to the intelligence of the day. But then this was a day and age when he was listening to a crackpot gambler who told him he could detect Al Qaeda messages in Al Jazeera broadcasts with the help of a new software and computer called Hammer and Scorecard. Not Dubya’s finest hour to be sure.

In any event, he didn’t get us out and so the situation worsened, as bad situations that are allowed to linger generally do. Joe Biden is taking a lot of incoming fire for the Taliban’s taking over of Kabul but this climactic ending has been a long time in the making. It’s not Biden’s doing, but it is happening on his watch, so he’s getting undeserved heat for something that was inevitable, however tragic. These foreign policy situations never have simple solutions drawn along black and white moral lines. That’s why they’re inherently tragic.

Brown is right but also situations like these come to a head when they do. You can’t play kick the can forever. For twenty years a good solution was sought to this situation, just like in Vietnam and in Korea before. Events eventually build to a place where they take on a life of their own. Joe Biden is in no way responsible for what’s happened in Kabul but since it’s on his watch, the GOP will continue to excoriate him.

Trumpty Dumpty is first in line doing that very thing.

So Trumpty would prefer Kamala? Seriously? Good to know.

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  1. Eventually, someone has to bring it on home. Excuse me for being unimpressed with the Monday morning quarterbacking going on this Sunday eve. None of them cared until today. And with the Delta surge due to make an excellent imitation of a tsunami in two weeks or less, not enough will care when that comes.

    This quote from Garth Ennis relates to that other infamous war but it fits here: “In the end, Vietnam was just like any other war. There were those who profited, those who it devoured and those for whom we have no words.”

  2. The former guy should keep his mouth closed, because a lot of us remember that he was the one who made the withdrawal deal, and *he* wanted it done by the end of *May* – more than two months ago.


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