I never thought I would be defending Mitch McConnell’s honor but simple human decency mandates just that. Jenna Ellis, recently censured for her January 6 falsehoods, took a vicious swipe at McConnell.

She posted a video of a turtle falling down a staircase (which you will see below.)

An 81-year-old man falling and having to be hospitalized is not humorous. We are all human. These bodies we’re in age and eventually they become unusable. That is a simple fact of human nature. McConnell, whatever his political views, deserves compassion. But not in MAGA world. MAGAs are vicious and if you’re not a member of the tribe, you’re not a person. Utter madness.

Nobody on the Democratic side was this tasteless. This is pure MAGA toxin. This is what Trump hath wrought.

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  1. If anyone reading can stomach watching this (especially twice) take a look at the end of that little video which I suspect was made by Ms. Lewis. (Or perhaps someone she knew that had a pet turtle?) I’m referring to the basket at the bottom of the steps. Clearly it was there to catch the turtle and keep if from, if say injured and bleeding from the tumble (or cracked open) from making a mess on the carpet. An attempt at a “soft” landing or containing any mess or both. Why do I point this out? Because this was STAGED! This was no accident of a turtle inadvertently slipping over the edge at the top of the stairs. That turtle was forced into taking a nasty tumble down a long flight of stairs.

    This was animal cruelty.

    • Turtles do fall off rocks and logs. But if you’re keeping one upstairs in a house, it’s on you to have some kind of gate to keep the turkle from falling down that flight of stairs. (Same goes if they’re outside and you have a pool more than an inch deep.)

  2. Cruelty is their core belief. Let’s say for argument sake that Hell is a real place. Is there a basement in Hell? There’s no bottom to evil. Another footsoldier for the evil One. Poor turtle. I hope you can escape to a better place.



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