This is hilarious and you certainly couldn’t blame the woman if this is in fact taking place. Susan Rice has assumed the position of head of Domestic Policy in the Biden administration. She occupies the same office as Stephen Miller did. New York Times:

Now, Ms. Rice occupies the West Wing office that was previously inhabited by Stephen Miller, President Donald J. Trump’s top policy adviser. Aware of the symbolism of a Black woman who has been vilified by conservatives occupying the space where Mr. Trump’s most hard-line immigration adviser used to dictate policy, Ms. Rice has decorated it with Haitian art and scented it with sage.

Burning sage is definitely part of a cleansing ritual and/or exorcism. If that’s what she’s doing, she does it with my blessing. There is no question but that a monster like Miller left behind lots of bad vibes. On a more practical level, burning sage has an anti-bacterial effect and it’s said to be a mood elevator. In all events, the atmosphere in that office has to be saner and healthier with Susan Rice in it, than Nazi Miller, who couldn’t inflict misery fast enough or on enough people.

It’s not new information that Joe Biden ordered the White House thoroughly fumigated before he moved in, due to COVID-19 concerns.

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  1. My last duty station in Hawaii was renovated a few months before I checked on board. They had an Hawaiian priest come in and bless the offices before they moved back in. Part of the protection was a doll that was hung in the central hall.

    I would work after everyone else had gone home because the computer was much faster when everyone else got off the system. At some point someone threw away the doll. One night around nine pm I started to hear noises. I investigated and found there was no one there. After a bit the sounds got to me and I went home to never worked that late again.

    The rest of the story is that the area was said to be haunted. A Samoan Shore Patrol NCO told me once how he had seen one night a couple in old fashioned formal wear gliding across the playground behind our building. They had no legs.

    Too, the single road to the base ran through that pineapple field Kenny Rogers sat in when he was working for Dole. At the other end of this road was a small glade of trees in the middle of one of the Dole fields. It was on sacred ground and every time the Dole bulldozers got up to the edge of the grove the dozers would die. They finally gave up.

    Biden needs a Priest to clean out and protect the White House.

  2. I have no idea what burning sage smells like. If it’s like incense that I’ve smelled then I can think of far worse things to do in my office. (Well, if I still had one) However, to exorcise Miller if it was me I’d do something more dramatic. And take video of it sometimes. I’d have some little cauldron rigged up (for fire safety) in which each day I could take some type of Nazi crap like a mini flag, an armband, or any of the various white supremacy symbols and, along with a picture of Miller (coped out on regular paper – not actual photo stock. Come to think of it just burn printed pics of the other stuff downloaded for free instead of buying it) BURN it in the little cauldron! Then go ahead and light up the good smelling and purifying stuff.

  3. Yes to sacred sage. I have sage blessed by a Native American Shaman. I have used it when there is negative energy. In the office I used to work in (other secretary was nasty narcissist) and a couple times in my home during 45’s tenure. It’s kind of a pot smell. That’s what they thought I burned in the office.

    Miller energy is gone from that office.

  4. There are many, many Democrats I like and support…I even like both Bernie and Manchin, and would cook on request for the, just to hear them argue, lol. But in terms of raw respect, Ms. Rice is up high on my list. She is brilliant and dedicated and everything I’d want of anyone working in the White House. I highly recommend her book…great read.

  5. I hope when they fumigated all the offices, they were checked for any little hidden cameras. I wouldn’t trust any of Trumps administration to bug any of the offices. Just a thought! :/


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