I don’t think Donald Trump’s fat tiny thumbs can type fast enough to do all this posting, so he must be coordinating it with his aides. This is sheer nuttiness. The morning is young, at least in the west, and something got hold of Trump in the past hour. He’s done 46 posts and still counting. Many of them are all-caps, what else? He’s lashing out at all his enemies in a marathon of malice, a riot of rancor. The obvious question is, what’s gotten into him? And one possibility is that Truth Social is ready to give up the ghost so he’s got to make one last, desperate attempt to call the MAGA eyeballs to him.

We’re not going to go through all of his dozens of posts, only the highlights. Then we’re going to look at why Truth Social has filed a hopeless lawsuit against the Guardian, Newsweek, Daily Beast and other outlets. No bloggers were named because we don’t do actual reporting here, (except on rare occasions when I’ve literally been in the street and reported on something, like a Trump rally) we cite to credible sources. But the day may come when even that lands you in hot water. You may recall how Florida had a state senate bill in committee, which would require bloggers to be treated as lobbyists. Anyhow, I digress. Let’s go to Trump’s digital volcano on the day before Thanksgiving.

And these two reek of paranoia.


Jesus, he wears me out just reading a few lines. Poise and composure are attributes one expects in a president and this 8-year-old has never developed either. He kicks and screams the minute he doesn’t get exactly what he wants.

The rest of his diatribe is how he’s leading in the polls (why trash Kim Reynolds, then? Who needs Iowa when the rest of the country is sewn up, right?) and letters of endorsement, etc.

Now the bigger question here is WHY Trump is doing this? He did a marathon posting yesterday, as you may recall, and maybe he’s just going to keep doing this. What’s that about? I think it’s a last ditch effort to save Truth Social.

Truth Social recently filed a lawsuit.

“This case is about an unprecedented and seemingly coordinated media campaign by no less than 20 major media outlets,” it said.

According to the court filings, each outlet cited SEC filings “in which the mystery $73 million loss appears nowhere.”

According to SEC filings released on November 13, Truth Social reported a net loss of almost $23 million in the first six months of the year, compared to a profit of almost $29 million during that same period of 2022, as Business Insider previously reported.

We wrote a piece here on the $73 million loss. And in fact, maybe the loss is not $73 million. I suppose a trier of fact could delve into that and rebut that figure. But to do so is to miss the point. The very simple and inescapable fact is that Truth Social needs to find a lot of funding soon or it will not be able to complete its merger and it will be out of business.

If the “logic” of this lawsuit is “we could find lotsa lotsa investor money except you meanies in the media reported we lost money we didn’t” that’s going to fail on its face. The overall structure of Truth Social has never been sound. It was a shell game from the very beginning, financially. It sold a dream as opposed to an actual business plan.

Numbers wise, it never took off. Right now TS boasts about two million dedicated users and that’s nothing in social media terms. On this website we get 700,000 to 1.9 million users — and I’m sure Devin Nunes expects a lot bigger paycheck for running the show over there than I do for running this blog. Dear God, it just occurred to me: Devin Nunes and I have the same job. OMG. I may have to lie down with an icepack, right after I stop laughing.

In any event, we’ll see where this lawsuit goes. Some outlets have already decided to bail and some not.

The Daily Mail, Reuters, Axios, Salon, New York Daily News, Newsweek, MSNBC, Mediaite Daily, and CNBC have all updated or corrected their reports at the time of publication.

The Guardian, Rolling Stone, The Hill, Deadline Hollywood, Benzinga, and the Daily Beast, however, have not issued corrections or updates at the time of publication. They did not immediately respond to requests for comments.

Maybe they’ve decided to stand their ground. Again, with Trump, when any lawsuit is filed, look at the motivation behind it. Trump seldom, if ever, has a legitimate reason to sue anybody, he just likes to shake people up and get an out of court settlement. I doubt that he will in this instance. The outlets who have not stood down are outlets who do solid reporting. Frankly, I’m surprised Reuters and Axios stood down, but maybe they figured it simply wasn’t worth the trouble to waste time and money on, since it’s basically a foregone conclusion Truth Social will be out of business soon anyway.

Barring a miracle, meaning somebody with a lot of money, say an Elon Musk, riding to the rescue, Truth Social will fold. And it won’t be because of an inaccuracy in reporting of one figure, it will be because the outlet has been a joke from the very beginning.

Stay tuned.

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  1. Sixty years ago about this time our country entered a darkness we have yet to come out of…John F. Kennedy was assassinated. This POS nazi is exhibit #1.

  2. One can only fill a particular type of balloon, so far, before it physically ruptures beyond repair. Wonder how much more Trump’s balloon can withstand his multiple injections of delusional and paranoid overfill, before it psychologically implodes beyond repair. The history of past instances of where, as you put it to “…shake people up and get an out of court settlement…” is rapidly nearing its use-by-date. And he knows it. His current demonstrative demeanour is overinflated with indefensible excuses and paranoid and delusional outbursts. Pssst. Psttt. Pssst. Boom!

  3. You know, if there really are these “caravans” coming through Mexico, a couple of thoughts occur: First, where is Trump getting this information if it’s not on the nightly news? I mean, it’s not like the “liberal” media is bending over backwards helping Biden; in fact, they seem more than willing to find as much dirt against Biden as they can.

    Second, why hasn’t Trump offered this information to the government and made a big to-do about it rather than just spew these vague little accusations? I mean, doing this would be worth how much publicity? Even if he threw out that officials were ignoring him, there would still be some kind of paper trail that the media could follow.

    Then again, this is Trump, just making up cow poop without even using the cow.

    • Good point, Joseph. One could validly wonder why he hasn’t he offered what he knows to those that need to know, in contrast to not what he thinks should happen to its dissemination – it’s a lying culture war construct, that’s probably why. Trump’s crazy echo chambered caravan will eventually find a permanent park somewhere out in woo woo boonies. There he can incessantly project at his reflection onto the cracked mirror within.

  4. According to an updated Forbes report, trump Social’s parent company trump Media & Technology Group lost $31 million since its inception. They give a breakdown as follows:

    “The filings show Truth Social’s parent lost $23 million in the first half of 2023 after making a profit of $50.5 million in 2022 and a loss of $59 million in 2021.”

    But this was with a company that in its first year of operation (2021) “reported net sales of just $1.4 million,” while reporting $2.3 million in net sales for the first half of 2023. How did they achieve a profit of $50.5 million in 2022 with these net sales?

    trump may be doing a Hail Mary, but if he goes through with it, the skimpy information that is coming out of the SEC filings will be replaced by a ton of data in discovery, and the world will see exactly how this deal was done.


  5. The man baby is already crying and whining like a bitch. Once everything goes against him and much of his wealth is taken from him, he’ll be howling like a black and tan bitch (for all of you who do not hunt nor live in the south, a Black and Tan is one of the hound breeds-and they could wake the dead when they tree a racoon…most hounds could).


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