It’s entirely possible that Mike Lindell is starting to lose it. Earlier today he waffled on hisĀ  Thanksgiving date when the election matter is supposedly going before the Supreme Court and then he started ranting about how the Arizona audit was fraudulent. Your guess is as good as mine.

“They found all this stuff that was missing.” Did they find Lindell’s missing brain, I wonder?

If you missed his latest about the Supreme Court, here it is.

What makes this an interesting quandary is that there is no “case” to accept. If you recall last week, Lindell was going to present the Supreme Court with a petition with 200 million signatures on it. Maybe that’s the “case” he’s referring to.

Again, who knows his motivation for doing all this. We can only assume that Dominion is right and this behavior sells pillows.

Right now I’m sensing a lot of confusion and maybe he’s finally starting to run out of gas. And he was just getting into some really interesting territory too, with the 850 year old man and all the dead voters in Wisconsin. Bummer.

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  1. He was sure that AZ was going to prove his case…and he’s never shown anything even close to evidence for it. (Does he even know there aren’t 200 million voters in the US?)

    • In fairness, according to the World Population Review website’s page on “Number of Registered Voters by State” (, there are just under 213,800,000 REGISTERED VOTERS in the US as a whole.

      Just because we haven’t had that many people turn out and vote doesn’t mean the number of registered voters is less than 200 million. Also, the Wiki page for the 2020 election estimates turnout to have been 66.8% and with more than 158 million votes cast, that would lead to roughly 236.5 million people of voting age. And on the “Voter Turnout” Wiki page, it says that roughly 240 million people were ELIGIBLE to vote. Any kind of valid petition simply requires the signer be of legal age and eligible to vote. (Online petitions–including–typically request the signer be of legal age and eligible to vote but they’re also not likely to verify the digital signatures which really limits their usefulness and effectiveness.)

  2. WOW, he cannot be happy with reality, so made up stuff for him, like his god, the Orange Baboon at Mar-o-golf, can be HUGE and the BIGGEST, LOUDEST, most important message of the moment … {oops, maybe I need to temper that last one a little, can’t find a lawyer to walk my message into the grand halls of the Supreme Court, and my sign up list is going bust … hmmn, must have been AZ’s fault …}

    This man has probably spent funds so low out of his reserves, that he will soon fade to a whimper in the wind … his attacks on voting machines, software writers and virtually dead prisoners could cost him millions in the long run … it’s a fact that the shitgibbon in Mar-o-golf won’t provide ANY monetary support his way …

    Time for Mikey to cool his jets, get some help, before the hammer squashes Trump- everything to bits and Mike’s head would explode …

  3. Neesmax is spreading this, I just recieved it today. —–> Joe Bidenā€™s presidency has been a disasterā€¦ but itā€™s about to get much worseā€¦ And if you have any money in an IRA or 401(k) account, youā€™ll want to pay close attention to this urgent warningā€¦

    Joe Biden is mentally unfit to stay in office.

    Thatā€™s what former White House physician, Donny Jackson, said when he raised the alarm last month.

    And unfortunately, Bidenā€™s latest crisis is proving him right.

    People are losing confidence, and the calls for Biden to step down are growing louder by the day.

    Trump warned us last fall this would happen.

    He predicted that Kamala would take over for Biden as the next president THIS YEAR.

    Now, it seems it’s only a matter of time…itā€™s only a matter of time…

    With Kamala in line to become president in 2021, her socialist plan could be devastating for your savings.

    Sheā€™s already been pulling the puppet strings behind the scenes, pushing one TRILLION dollar stimulus bill after another…

    Now, Kamalaā€™s set to charge another $4 trillion to 5 trillion to the countryā€™s debt

    • You have got kidding
      Ron Johnson the Con Artist has never dealt with Biden ,let alone examined him. But since you like playing doctor,allow me as a caregiver of a father with dementia,Fat Donnie fits the behavioral profile better. Diminished vocabulary. Leans forward when walking. Incoherent babbling when off teleprompter. Cannot walk very quickly.
      Biden can ride a bike and walk easily. Far better physical.shape than Donnie Donuts.

      At the single debate,I fact checked both of them(I am a librarian ; fact checking was my job along with know I g a reputable and reliable source from.bad ones like Newscorspe, OWN and Faux). Biden was damned accurate — he got one number slightly wrong,but was closr. Donnie? Lied constantly. Lied consistently. Made up.crap. Interrupted constantly. The professional.fact chevkers,agree with me,not you.
      You know,if you.turn off crap tv,you can probably raise your I.Q. back to 100. Poor Maureen. Like most t-Rumpies, she cannot manage a coherent patagraph, just sentences

    • Well in the first place you are talking about a doctor that got kicked out of the service for being drunk on duty. Second, I could care less about whatever trump says because if his lips are moving heā€™s lying. And third, Joe Biden is in far better shape than trump ever thought about. All this crap about Joe Biden is just campaign fodder to drum up support for a twice impeached loser ex-president trying to cover his tracks before they reach out and cuff him.

  4. Here all this time, we thought that Sydney Powell was saying she would “unleash the Kraken”.
    It turns out she was threatening to “unleash the crack-head”.

      • Ditto, the question is, who is deeper into drugs, Trump Senior or T Junior.

        Don Junior is not playing games, he goes until his eyes are slits and red as hell fumbling his words, wondering, I’m sure, whether he will end up with any inheritance at all … Trump, the older gas bag, is aiming, and already fired a few arrows up in the air, they may fall back soon and the whole family is on target …


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