My sincere thanks to my beloved wife Teri for bringing this particular subject up tonight, and once again bringing the Muse to my door. Joy is where you find it.

After the January 6th insurrection, when Traitor Tot got his fat, pasty ass kicked off of almost every social media platform outside of Moscow and Budapest, in a fit of pique, he set up a third rate, pathetic, lame ass piece of sh*t social media platform of his own, named ironically Bullsh*t Social. I refuse to use the real name.

Because he was pretty much a persona non grata in the western world, this was a risky venture for Traitor Tot, mainly because he had to invest his own money into getting this boondoggle up and running. And because he is by his very soul a cheap f*ck, he apparently did it on the fly using a bunch of guys who couldn’t graduate from Code Dojo.

As you would expect from a two bit con man whose personal motto appears to be measure once, cut twice, it’s been an unmitigated disaster. The rollout was a nightmare, with crashes and glitches, the service was unreliable, and the capacity would have been totally insufficient if Trump wasn’t so unpopular that he couldn’t attract the Politburo if he was giving asway free missiles.

The thing was an insult to his ego, and he repeatedly dallied with shutting the damn thing down. But he couldn’t do it, it was his only entre to social media. And so he limped along through an endless series of threatened shutdowns due to a lack of funding.

Which left Trump with only one viable offering. An IPO. To the uninitiated, it means Initial Public Offering. Take the whole goddamned thing public in other words. Name a CEO, a board of directors, and sell stock on the exchange.

It was the predictable Trump circus. The initial offering price was moderate, and in the first couple of hours, deep pocket dudes wanting favors from a second Trump term inflated the price nicely. Nothing like Facebook, but nice. But larger, more sane managers saw a suitcase with a broken handle, it ain’t going anywhere. On the first day, the stock closed significantly below its initial high.

Small investors, not seeing the Mount Everest of initial profit from the offering they had expected, quickly sold out. The site was what it’s always been, a low quality, malfunctioning hot mess. For several months the site barely managed to bring in enough revenue to cover their operating expenses. And hedge fund managers don’t get into stocks to break even. It looked like yet another Trump bankruptcy was in the future.

But now we’re in the home stretch of the presidential race, and these hedge fund *ssholes still want their revolving door to the Oval Office. And so suddenly there are millions of dollars flowing into the stock, artificially inflating it far beyond the value the stock actually has. The reasoning is simple. If Trump is elected, Bullsh*t Social becomes his preferred platform, and they all ride the elevator to Heaven. And that includes the delusional Nazi Elon Musk, announcing he was donating $45 million a month to Trump through November.

But now, not only have all the wheels come off the Trump trolley, but the engine is smoking. And this kind of electoral momentum is something that the hedge fund managers, with all their billions are totally impotent to stop or turn around.

Which begs the simple question. What happens if Trump loses in November? At age 78, and as crazy as a sh*thouse rat, Trump is toast politically. He won’t even be interesting to himself anymore, other than trying to stay out of prison. But all of those rich shitpoke hedge fund managers have high dollar clients and board members that they are going to have to justify their decision making process to in re Bullsh*t Social. And that includes Skunk Musk.

And so, here’s my absolutely free helpful hint for you guys as we head into the home stretch of this campaign. If we get into early to mid October, and Harris has a sustainable lead in the national polls, at or above the margin of error, and she has significant leads in the battleground state polls, watch Bullsh*t Social stock. The money moguls will have already ridden that train two stations past their stop. If their data shows Trump tanking, they are going to sell their asses off at the highest price they can, in order to minimize their losses. which likely means that the stock price will tank below the opening IPO price, since it’s been artificially inflated almost from the start.

There are two long established aphorisms in Wall Street, Sometimes the bulls make money, and sometimes the bears make money, but the pigs always get stuck, along with Never Panic. But if you do, make sure you’re the first to panic. If Trump is going down, then these howler monkeys will be the first to know it, and you can bet they’ll let the rest of us know by their panic sell off. Just a word to the wise.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. Murf, I don’t understand. Why do you say you “refuse” to use the “real name” of Trump’s vanity media site but then you DO use it? The name that Trump calls it just reflects Trump’s usual behavior: Nonstop lying.
    Your name for Trump’s site is the (ahem) truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  2. I seriously doubt any hedge funds or other professional investors bought any shares. it’s currently under half the ipo price and under a third of the highest. professional investors knew from the start the actual value was around 10 cents per share. that isn’t snark, that’s calculated from the earnings and total number of shores. it does not take into account the 20 million extra shares they added, diluting the price but it does include a price to earnings (p/e) ratio of 10 which means the actual price is around 1 cent. the first quarterly report included a statement from the head accountant that he didn’t think the company could stay in business. and there’s no indication of where the ipo money went.

    • “… and there’s no indication of where the ipo money went.”

      Gee, we all wonder about that. Hmm, now where did donOld put it?

  3. additional (as Holly would say) part of the reason the price has been kind of stuck where it is is because people trying to sell are having trouble finding people who want to buy. all of the company’s fundamentals were known before they went public and it was repeatedly pointed out that the shares weren’t worth anything remotely resembling the ipo price.

  4. Yup. Buying his stock is like buying a seat in bankruptcy court, if you dump enough into it. In the event, will we learn in the court record who was propping up his stock? And will we learn what that $305 million “non-cash transaction” was all about?

    In all likelihood he will be sitting in prison or in a mental institution when all the fraud he has committed since 2020 starts surfacing, and there is a high probability that these cases will go on long after he has departed this earth.

  5. I hope the Feds are watching to make sure none of his campaign donations are being used in this his latest scam, as referred to in the article.


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