Passive aggressive, much? Or, is this normal to wear a hot pink haram costume to a summer wedding rehearsal, where the bride is wearing a plain white sun dress? I seriously have no idea how things are done in Palm Beach society, but in the civilized world, you don’t do anything to take eyes off of the bride because it is, after all, her day.

And will the governor be in attendance at the nuptials? Or perhaps Senator Scott or Senator Rubio? The father of the bride may think those last two guys are his friends and allies, but that’s because he’s too dense to figure out that they know who holds “DeFuture” and it ain’t Donald Trump.

No, if Scott or Rubio are going to the wedding, better have them swept electronically first. They’re either going to be wearing wires or planting microphones in the potted palms to do a little friendly opposition research for the new standard bearer of the Republican party.

If Trump does dance with Tiffany, will it be to “YMCA?” Just wondering.

I am hoping and praying that Trump does some kind of a toast to the new couple and starts mewling about his stolen election, or better yet the stolen midterms. There are Floridians who go to Mar-a-Lago events and leak audio and video to lefty tweeters and bloggers. I am so hoping that somebody like that is at these nuptials.

No, I don’t know why Melania is wearing a bed sheet. I’m just grateful she didn’t wear it to Buckingham Palace.

I wore a bed sheet in public once. It wasn’t to a wedding, though, it was in a community theater production where we were spoofing Greek theater. The men wore bed sheets too, and there was a bit of a scene when the lead actor arrived at the cast party ahead of everybody else and was standing in the street wrapped in a pink bedsheet and wearing a plastic laurel wreath on his head, waiting for the host to arrive. Neighbors peeking out of windows and so forth. This was in a classy area of Denver, Cheesman Park.

But I digress. Back to the social smash of this or any season.

At least Marla Maples is wearing a dress and not a gold bedsheet. If I were a society page editor my first observation would be that Melania wore Christian Dior to her own wedding and a bedsheet to her step-daughter’s — while her other step daughter showed up in a haram costume. Or a baton twirler’s costume, which?

Maybe Deutsch can leak some dirt.

The morale at Mar-a-Lago has got to be something. Thank heavens for booze and drugs. Otherwise there would be mayhem today.


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  1. Can you imagine the HOWLS of protest when Trump is reminded that he does NOT get to exercise Prima Nocta tonight? As for that pic of him between Melania and Marla where he’s actually smiling and giving a thumb up, I know exactly what was on his low-class sleazeball mind – knowing that pic would be published it was a shit-eating “I got to fuck both of these women!” attitude. There’s a reason why Trophy Wives are known as Trophy Wives – they are displays by assholes of paid for privilege.

    • You’re right. I remember the shower curtain. And the dresses in neon colors. Melania is the perfect wife to Trump. Her sole consideration is that people are looking at her. Whether they are admiring her taste (almost never) or smirking at her latest ridiculous costume seems to escape her. Just as long as they’re looking, she believes she has won.

    • But leave Boris and Natasha. Actually, I sooo wish Mary Trump were there doing a psychology paper on her cousins, the very DEFINITION of dysfunctional family!!! If she didn’t have a PhD yet, THIS weekend could get her one!!!!

  2. Unless I am missing something, like Marla sleeping with someone other than trump while they were married, Tiffany and Ivanka are half sisters since they have the same father.

    • I just changed it. I used the wrong term because I’m literally having trouble staying awake after all the election madness. Everybody on this political “beat” is indeed that, beat, and we’re all sitting around with dark circles under our eyes.

      • No, no, I get it Ursula. Get some sleep as it will be a bit before all the votes are in and counted in the places remaining.

        Ivanka probably didn’t want daddy lusting after little sis. And you might not have been necessarily wrong with the first one. I cannot imagine anyone being to thrilled having to have sex with the guy.

  3. I feel sorry for Tiffany. Trump hated Marla at the end–,supposedly she screwed a lifeguard. Trophy Wives aren’t supposed to do that, even if their owner–er, husband is f’ing everything female he can get his hamster paws on. Putting an entire continent between her and Fat Donnie is the smartest thing Marla did.


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