I know that’ I’ve been preaching for years that in the generation of small money donors and digital media, cash is no longer the King that it used to be in politics. But that doesn’t mean that filthy lucre has been relegated to the role of scullery maid. It’s still at least a Crown Prince.

And here’s where the strange conjunction of Harris’s surging popularity, both in polls as well as in cash bring out a strange new paradigm. I’ll be happy to explain.

In July the newly minted Harris campaign kicked Trump’s pasty New York ass. They raised a whopping $325 million to Trump’s $154 million, more than doubling him up. Not only that, but with the spanking, the Harris campaign now has more of the most critical component, cash on hand. 

But as in all things politics, The devil is in the details. So, let’s look at a couple of those details, shall we? When I say that the Harris campaign raked in $325 million, do you know what that means? It means that the Harris campaign has $326 million to spend on the campaign. It’s just that simple.

But when I say that the Trump campaign hauled in $154 million in July, what does that mean? It means that the Trump campaign has whatever is left over to spend once Trump pays his lawyers. And with his legal situation heating up on all fronts, his legal koi are sucking away more and more cash from the campaign.

And here’s the kicker. The DNC, the DSCC, the DCCC, as well as several major grassroots organizations have all reported more than healthy hauls, meaning that these organizations can properly fund down ballot races, and run grassroots door knocking, phone banking, and voter registration efforts in all 50 states.

On the Trump side? Make no mistake about it. The RNC is now a wholly owned subsidiary  of TRUMPCON.com. Fundraising is totally coordinated, and the vast majority of it consists of e-mail and text blasts from either the Trump campaign, or the Trump Leadership PAC, which it’s easier for him to siphon off money from for expenses. The RNC, the RNSC,and the RCCC are sucking hind teat. And several key battleground state GOP parties are either dead stony broke, or already in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. And you can bet your ass that Traitor Tot isn’t sharing.

And here’s where we come to the polling. When Biden topped the Democratic ticket, His Lowness had a durable, outside-the-margin-of-error over Biden in almost every critical swing state. Which was sweet nothings in Trump’s ear, because it meant one thing. He didn’t have to spend money to defend those states. Just toss up a few attack and fluff ads, and do the occasional fly-in rally.

But that’s nothing more than a pipe dream. Because recent polling shows that Harris has either erased Trump’s lead, or overtaken him in both the national polling as well as every battleground state. Which is terrible news for El Pendejo ex Presidente, since it means that he now has to spend actual cash money in those states to try to claw the lead back.

Here’s the McGuffin. A month ago, when Biden was heading the ticket, and The Cheeto Prophet was clobbering him in the swing states, the GOP and Trump campaign were looking forward to expanding the map, to places like MN, CO, NV, and AZ, forcing the Democrats to spread themselves thinner than they want to in order to protect what’s already theirs.

But now, with the ascendence of Kamala Harris and the Democrats, lo and behold, suddenly states that were off the map a month ago, like GA and NC, are suddenly tied, and the Democrats are casting covetous eyes at FL and even OH. And that means that the pressure is suddenly off of the Democrats, and on the GOP and Trump to defend what they recently thought was safe ground.

And in all of those states, it’s the Democrats that have the advantage of well funded, motivated and energized boots on the ground. The banks of door knockers, phone bankers, and voter registration volunteers, cheerfully spreading the good word. several months ago Traitor Tot forsook grassroots activism and local field offices to save money for his ambulance chasers. And now he’s about to pay the price.

A month is a lifetime in politics. And right now it feels like ten lifetimes to Trump, especially with several of his legal problems simmering on the way to a boil. And we have the Democratic surge of the VP pick tomorrow, followed by the seven state battleground tour, and the Democratic National Convention the week after that. watch for things to get a whole lot worse for Trump and the GOP before they see even a glimmer of anything getting better.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. Besides the usefulness of the money itself, I think it’s indicative of interest, support and enthusiasm of the people. When it’s small donors of course, who are fueling it.

  2. Our side has real genuine grassroots support, which their side never really had.

    And now they don’t have enough money for astro-turfing, and even if they did, fake grass is never as good as real grass.

    Real grass grows itself.

  3. Did anyone notice all the Harris for President ads running during the Olympics? Not one from the Orange Julius camp. Out’ta money?? YOU BETCHA!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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