House Votes Down Resolution To Investigate Michael Cohen For Perjury


Conservative Mark Green (R-TN) sponsored a measure to require the House Oversight Committee to forward a transcript of Michael Cohen’s remarks to DOJ for investigation, alleging that Cohen had perjured himself by lying to Congress. That measure was tabled today by a 286-183 vote. The Hill:

Green introduced the privileged resolution on Tuesday, which provides the majority 48 hours to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.

Republicans said Cohen lied when he repeatedly told members that he he “never” asked for a pardon from President Trump.

Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison in December for a series of crimes including lying to Congress and campaign finance violations for orchestrating payments to women who allegedly had affairs with the president to remain silent during the 2016 election.

Cohen is soon to begin his three year sentence.

The irony of Green’s actions here, is that while he’s trying to get back at Michael Cohen, William Barr is testifying before the Senate, on issues of considerably more gravity than whether he and Trump ever discussed the issue of a pardon. That’s where attention to potential perjury should be directed, to Barr’s words, and not chasing down the dead horse of the Cohen story, to beat it some more. But then, deflection is the watchword in the Era of Trump.

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  1. Talk about Republicans throwing out distractions. They are desperate. I heard they even started talking about Hillary’s emails (Sure, we’ll reopen that investigation — AFTER Ivanka and Jared appear and get grilled about THEIR use of private emails for government business).

    • The only defense that the Republicans have at this point in time, due to their top people making them look so bad, is to desperately sling mud at any Democrat they can, or go chasing turncoats like Cohen.

    • Whenever the GOP brings that up in a televised hearing I sooooo want a Democrat to ask them why if they are all worked up about Hillary’s emails & her private server which was LEGAL at the time they never acknowledge Jared & Ivanka’s private email use? And call them the hypocrites they are for ignoring Jarvanka.

  2. SMH…moments like this are why I am often ashamed to live in TN. The only way we make national news anymore is through moves like this.

    • There are some real horses asses in Tennessee politics (well, in politics everywhere — I’m in California and we still have Devin Nunes.) Green is one of them. He’s like Gaetz in Florida, another Trump shill. And I used to like Corker all right (not his voting, usually, but he did say some good things from time to time) but apparently he can’t hack it anymore. Can’t say as how I blame him.

  3. They just want to be able to say…”See we told you Dems aren’t interested in the truth.”

    Expect Twit digit to post about it soon…

    • They’re so fucking desperate to take some air time away from Barr, but it won’t work. Not with Cohen in any event. That horse is dead. Nobody cares.


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