Life is nothing more than a script revision to Donald Trump. It’s no secret that he lacks values and ideals and is swayed by the last person he talks to on a subject on any given day. Today’s plot twist in the sick daytime soap that you and I call politics, is to rekindle the ill-fated bromance of Trump and Steve Bannon. Yes, it may bloom anew, due to an interview Bannon gave on CNBC, saying how the Democrats had no chance of beating Donald Trump, because of his terrific policies on China and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ bad ones. This is the song that Trump longs to hear, and Bannon was singing it today.

You may recall that back in the day, Steve Bannon had an turbulent relationship with Javanka, never a recipe for longevity, but it was his alleged contribution to Michael Wolff’s best seller that gave Javanka the ammunition they needed to ax him. Trump turned, Bannon was no more, and the hashtag “Sloppy Steve” was born.


Whether he cried and begged for his job, notwithstanding, now he’s the man of the hour. Click the button on the tweet above and listen to 2:19 seconds of pure hilarity. Plot spoiler: Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton are going to enter the presidential race in the fall. Oh.My.God.

Now, what may be going on here, as incredible as it seems, is that Bannon may have decided that he can catch lightning in a bottle twice, and he may be sucking up to become part of the Trump reelection campaign — which would be amusing, since Jared is now heading that up. But then Donald Jr. wanted to be in charge and he hates his brother-in-law and so does Bannon and so Donald Jr. and Bannon could join forces and….you see where the story arc is going.

So, back for a return engagement, after a time in the wilderness, cometh Steve Bannon, with his barroom tan and his Bigfoot demeanor. My take on it? God, I hope so. We can use the comic relief. And I can’t wait to see how he overcomes some of his great one liners like, “Trump will fail when people realize he’s just another scumbag.” That should be epic.



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    • That’s one school of thought. Another is that Bannon will pour it on, string Trump along, and get a paycheck. Either way, it’s going to be ludicrous. That’s the only thing you can depend on. As I said, we always need comic relief.

          • I give him no such credit myself. Without his Mercer ties, he’s no different than too many other MAGA maggots who comprise the remnants of Trump’s political cult. A smart man would have known how to rebuild after losing his big patrons…and he has not.

          • He grew up in a blue collar household and got it together to go to Harvard, so I have to praise his upward mobility. As for replacing the Mercers: how many billionaire right wingers are there? I think he pretty much met everybody in that set and he “did the town” so to speak. He got as far as one could get doing what he was doing — which was right wing CT and race baiting. Like Trump, he doesn’t know how to quit when he’s ahead.

          • In which case, he never learned all the lessons he needed to keep from falling back down. Getting out of a neighborhood like that is comparatively speaking the easy part. Staying there is a tougher trick he failed to master.

  1. Bannon goes back into the fold, he’s gonna find out a truth we all know…you can never go home again. Personally, I’m pretty sure between Jar-Jar Kushner’s hatred of Bannon, the severance of ties between Bannon and the Mercers and Trump’s own unwillingness to take back in “losers”, it’s not happening.

      • It’s a big jump between “plane ride because I want to impress/lord over/string along the guy I’m talking to” to “put the guy I know in my nonexistent heart is a proven loser back in my government”. Again, let’s not get TOO excited.


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