It is being reported that police and hazmat teams have been dispatched to Don Jr.’s house “this evening” after he received and opened a letter in the mail that contained a “white powder.” I certainly hope everyone on site is O.K. This is a developing situation and reporting so far is a bit thin. Daily Beast”

“Multiple fire trucks and men in hazmat suits were spotted outside Donald Trump Jr.’s home in Jupiter, Florida, on Monday evening after he received a letter containing an unidentified white powder inside of it, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

Trump Jr., the eldest son of former President Donald Trump, received the letter and opened the envelope—causing the white powder to fly out, according to one of the sources.

The Jupiter Police Department did not respond to a request for comment.”

While I personally hope that this was just a prank and no one is hurt, folks on Twitter have diverse opinions on the matter… and I feel that I would be remiss in not reporting on them…

Well, we can larf then…

Hate when that happens…






Me too.



For my money there is more than a small chance that dear old dad was behind this stunt so he can claim his family is being targeted at his pity party rallies.

But I will watch for updates that need to be added….

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  1. Corn starch? Salt? Talcum powder? Wouldn’t surprise me that some maga did this to make everyone feel sorry for Jr. Nothing surprises me with these folks.

  2. What? Did Qusay forget the nose candy order he placed, stupidly, through mail order? What a moron. Does he think anyone gives two sh*ts about him, up to and including his father? Perhaps he mailed some innocuous white powder to himself as an attention-getting ploy: seems vastly more likely than anyone paying any attention to him at all.


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