The national discourse keeps plummeting and plummeting. Civility has decided to go the route of Irony, Satire, Parody and Farce, the muses of comedy. Civility just slashed her wrists, look no more for her in public life, to be sure.

On our side of the aisle, we’re going to strike back with humor and wit, that’s an absolute, but it’s a tragedy that we even are navigating through these kinds of toxic cultural waters. We can always do a West Side Story kind of an evaluation, where both gangs chant in, “Well they began it, well they began it” as they plan to knock each other off in combat.

I’m not saying I’m above the fray. I just wrote the headline I wrote and it’s not one likely to lead to too much healing. I’m just exasperated with all this so all I can think of is to give as good as we get.

If anybody here is a saint, please feel free to chime in with how we can resurrect Civility and put her back out there on the job.

I don’t know if Boebert is reading her constituency right. I grew up in Colorado and I don’t think this represents the mind set there for the most part. Maybe it does represent her district. We’ll certainly find out next year, won’t we?

I hate the myth of both siderism but I’ll tell you the truth: I joined in a chant of “Fuck Donald Trump” at an anti-Trump rally last year. This is who we are in 2021. This is who we have become. I’m not proud of it but I’m not sure what to do. Once the genie is out of the bottle where is there to do?


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  1. This made me flash back to an anti-disco song from back in the 70s. Many of the lyrics are relevant but these in particular leapt into my mind:
    I like to dance with
    Girls in sleazy dresses
    Lipstick, nail charms
    And makeup in excesses

    Buy them a drink
    And try and get their number
    Usually, they are as
    Cold as a cucumber

    Do you think I’m disco
    Am I superficial
    Looking hip’s my only goal…

    (If you go to YouTube and check Do You Think I’m Disco by Steve Dahl you can hear the whole thing. I always got a kick out of it. And thinking about it a lot of the Fox “news” folks and some Congress Critters would have been just the kind of people in that era that would have helped inspire this send-up of disco)

  2. I thought this was great for gender neutrality. It’s a game of ‘pin the tail on the ‘bimbo’. Sure the girls have great asses but I think matt looks bitchin in his tux. And as far as I know it may lack a seat on those pants. Anyone seen Lindsey? I vote for Matt. Sorry girls. OK OK OK. ALL of u get a prize. A gold plated dildo with a Trump head. Tattooed on the side, GO FUCK URSELF.

  3. Your, “genie out of the bottle”, is an astute meme, that somehow, the Republicans have finally nuked every aspect of civility, communication on all levels, springing one really bad idea after another … always bleeding funds to those with more money than god …

    The two twits and their attacks on committee process — Gym Jordon and rusty gates are flat out bizarre, while both are probably due for up close and personal invitations to admit their guilt in public committee meetings about 01-06 …

    Trump’s own game of Clue, has left tons of easily assimilated evidence in documents and some newer info has already drifted out to various news groups, the Putin factor has been more clearly explained as a huge money laundering function through Trump’s poorly maintained golf clubs, huge sneaky, “DEALS”, to feed cash to Trump personally … the strange thing is Trump still thinks there is ANY value in the big lie, as more and more people under oath have zeroed the big lie and welded Trump’s behind to a large anchor, waiting for the final showdown ,,, being under oath as a witness, can create a valid time to cook the Geezer shitgibbon …

    That hammer needs to fall quickly and succinctly, bombing EVERYTHING Trump before he can start another series of useless lawsuits … the impact of that hammer needs to include ANYONE ELSE involved with the 01-06 attack with long and hard prison sentences … the seriousness of the Capitol attack should always include those that were killed or injured, no wrist slapping BS just heavy fines and long terms away from home …

  4. The same people who not only supported Muammar Covfefe but told us to respect him because we have to respect the Office now have “Fuck Joe Biden” as their motto. (That’s what “Let’s Go Brandon” means for anyone unfamiliar.) I am in awe of their grace, class, and respect towards there fellow citizens. A true model for our children and the world. (Not to mention taking a cheap shot at AOC with the idiotic Brandon dress.)

    And of course they love that motto because they truly believe Biden stole the election, is an evil genius bent on ending democracy, is a puppet with dementia who is being run by VP Harris, is an authoritarian strongman spewing edicts and mandates like water from a hose, is a puppet of George Soros and “the Jews,” wants to destroy the economy through regulatory EO’s, is too old to even be able to spell “economy,” etc. You know, all the consistent positions the GQP always takes whenever a Dem is in the Oval.


  5. For a civil discourse, BOTH SIDES must be civil! Since the RWQNJs have long ago stopped even trying to look civil, we are left with no option but to give better than we get!

  6. I’m the first to admit that I trashed trump. But he was a despicable, evil excuse for a human being. But now we have everyone including his own party trashing Biden and it’s mostly not warranted. And at this point there’s at least 20% of the republicans that say more violence is inevitable and will take place. It might mean something except the right gas no platform beyond smashing the left. No idea how to fix anything. No idea how to get anything paid for. They say the left just wants to spend money. But if given control the right will run us into bankruptcy and we will fall to China and Russia which we already headed that way thanks to trump.

  7. Ursula, feel no pangs about chanting Fuck Trump. When faced with clear evil, such a chant is more than justified, it’s necessary. Would that people had chanted Fuck Hitler when that evil piece of shit was on the world stage.


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