One might think that a woman and mother would have more sympathy for a 10 year old pregnant rape victim than Ohio Governor Mike Dewine… but one would be wrong.

When asked by Dana Bash on CNN if her state, South Dakota, would allow that victim to abort, Kristi Noem hewed what is apparently iron-clad GOP orthodoxy now and said everything but the correct answer, which is, of course, “YES!”

Twitter, as one might guess, was not at a loss for words:


Hear! Hear!



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We will have to crush the GOP to turn it around.

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  1. Trying to figure out which of these broads is the dumber c*nt-the one spouting the asinine lies or the one listening and not stopping her. If journalists, and I suppose Bash calls herself one, cannot conduct an intelligent interview, correcting their interviewee when they are catastrophically wrong, they cannot and should not be allowed to call themselves journalists. Those not capable of conducting themselves like responsible journalists need to get their a*ses over the faux nuz or the rest of the non-news shows.

    Reckon this is why CNN’s viewership is decreasing so drastically.

  2. Stopped watching CNN for this very reason. Where is the real journalism? That 10 year old girl is going to be traumatized for life. What’s happening to the sperm ejaculator? Haven’t read any consequences for the true fucker.

  3. CNN only attracts an audience when there is some actual breaking news of a disaster, natural or otherwise (plane crash, massive wildfire, hurricane etc). Conservatives apparently conserve their empathy for their family and friends only. There is no rational person who could fathom forcing any child into childbirth. The age of consent in most states is 16, so anyone under that age who finds themselves pregnant was raped, statutory or forcible. No woman, no matter her age or circumstance, should be forced to give birth. No child is physically capable of safely giving birth, so forcing that situation could well result in two deaths.

  4. This has sat in my craw all morning. Every life is precious except a 10 year old girl, who had a man put his penis in her small vagina, get off on it, ejaculate, and impregnate. Her life means shit. None of what happened to her means jack shit to people like Kristi Noem. So they can’t give me any bull shit that every child matters. Let’s have journalists go into detail on how this little one got pregnant. I have a 10 year old grand daughter. I’d rather go to prison than let him live. We must fight and women are furious right now. This CHILD, her parents, and her pediatrician should have the fucking final say so – not the fucking RW government. Oh yeah. I’m pissed.


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