George Santos is a piece of work. The man has already been caught in two lies since he went to Washington, D.C., one that he was sworn in and the other that he voted on the omnibus bill.

In fairness, different freshman congress members did have automatic emails sent out, which were prepped before anybody knew that the House was going to grind to a halt on its first day and business as usual would not take place.

So we can forgive Santos the faux pas about getting sworn in. But voting on the omnibus bill? Uh uh. Here’s what his brief presence in Congress brings to the party so far. The man is completely out of it.

Now maybe he’s not AWOL. And why would I say that? This.

The man is clueless. He doesn’t have the slightest idea WTF is going on. My speculation is that he didn’t recognize his name, he’s used so many. He was probably deep in his fantasy world where he was in fact Genghis Khan right at that moment, leading the hordes, and not Santos the freshman congressman.

Yes, that makes sense. Silly us, we didn’t think about that.

This video says it all. The guy is a mess. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen, he’s just hoping he can bluff his way through.

Your guess is as good as anybody’s where the guy is, whether he’s there, standing up asleep, somewhere else physically as well as mentally. You decide. Another rocket scientist making $174,000 a year. Must be great to make that kind of cash and not even be awake.


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  1. He was in the coat closet with the Qanon member from Georgia. Lindsey was jealous because he believed santos was a gay Jew.

  2. If he’s smart, he’ll start running for an extradition-free country right now. Please note the “If” in that statement.

  3. I’m just getting caught up on things. Went out to Durham to get my fourth Covid shot and also the flu vaccine. (Already running a slight temp.) I got my shots at the Hillendale Clinic up the road where my PCP is, but the nurse couldn’t contain her excitement. Santos has been at the main VA Hospital, working with the hotshots at Duke University School of Medicine (in the hospital across the street from the Durham VA) putting the finishing touches on both a vaccine for ALL possible mutations of Covid and a pill that cures it within hours for those who’ve caught it. And another pill that cures effects of what’s known as long-term Covid! AND he’s given them his work on cellular growth technology that regrows limbs! Within a day a badly injured limb can be amputated and regrown with a PERFECT new one! And old injuries/amputations too! So let’s cut George some slack. He’ll get around to solving the space/time continuum to be able to be in two (or more) places at once!

      • I’m going with Occam’s Razor on this one. I’d say the most likely reason he failed to respond when the clerk called on George Santos for his vote is because that isn’t his name. Apparently he’s also been known as Anthony Devolder.


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