I’m not going to bother going over my credentials again, you all know them like the back of your hand. But while watching El Pendejo Presidente may give you insights only watching him can give you, it’s not like you’re covering yourself in glory or anything. If my own dear, beloved mother was alive today and asked me what I do for a living, I’d look her straight in the eye and tell her, I’m a pimp on the Strip. It has more class and self respect than admitting, I watch Donald Trump all day so that I can write and tell people how f*cking stupid he is. Would you want your mother knowing that?

But if anybody else went through the same full body immersion I did, and from closer up, it was Traitor Tot’s longest serving Chief of Staff, General John Kelly. Because, other than Melanoma, Kelly was the first one to see Trump in the morning, and the last one to kiss him goodnight. And since Kelly was the only Trump COS who actually tried to do the job, controlling the useless wastrels and information trying to get into the Oval Office, Kelly also saw Trump at his most aggressive and bellicose. Often at Kelly. So when Kelly said in an interview that Trump was scared sh*tless of going to prison, my immediate mental response was, Nice catch Bro. Because I saw the same damn thing.

The two words to describe Donald Trump are bellicose and arrogant. From the time Trump entered the race in 2015, his racist, far right, white supremacist claptrap was poison in the body politic. Trump didn’t care because it plays with his base, which was all that mattered. And when the RNC squealed, Trump told them to shut up and give him the nomination, or he’d take his base and run 3rd party, making the GOP the first major American political party to garner fewer votes than the freakin’ Green Party.

For the entire four years that His Lowness despoiled our sacred democracy, every time I saw his fat, florid, sneering face, the only thing I cold think of was the iconic photo of Nixon boarding Marine One for the last time after resigning. Only rather than having “V” signs thrust over his head, it was double barrel birds. Trump never worried about impeachment or anything else, simply because nobody in the GOP would dare to oppose him.

Trump tried to continue that lame sh*t after he lost in 2020, but ran into a roadblock. Once everybody else in the country realized that The Mangy Mullah couldn’t officially hurt them anymore, everybody stopped giving a sh*t about him. But Trump made do with the reassurance that he was still the Alpha Male in the GOP, with 2024 just around to corner. And nobody f*cks with the big dog.

But the paradigm has changed. All of a sudden Il Douche is faced with a whole posse of lawmen, people like Alvin Bragg, Letitia James. Fani Willis, and Jack Smith. And they’re more than ready to put their legal skills and their chops in the arena against Trump anytime, anywhere, and may the best man win.

Which scares Trump sh*tless. because he’s never had to go up against a prosecutor that couldn’t be bought off with a cheesecake no guilt admission settlement right before the jury is sworn in. These people aren’t interested in that kind of a deal, they want his ass. Roasted. And unfortunately for The Cheeto Prophet, there is now way that the GOP can save his fat ass this time.

How scared is Trump right now? Let’s try two examples. First, when you have lawyers who are hoping to get paid at the end of the month, they tend to tell you whatever you want to hear until the check clears the bank. But when you’re being represented by a bunch of lawyers on $1 million rechargeable retainers, they don’t tend to coddle your baby ass so much, they can give you the hard facts about your legal situation, and still get paid. I have no doubt that Trumpelforeskin has a pretty good idea of the amount of legal peril he’s in, whether he wants to or not.

Here’s the second one. It was reported recently that Trump contacted House Squeaker Cave-in McCarthy and asked him for two favors. The first was to light a fire under the Oversight and Judiciary committees to hold show hearings to highlight Biden’s foreign ties, and trying to use the DOJ to martyr Trump. The second was to ask that McCarthy back a Machine Gun Marjie proposal to expunge Trump’s impeachments from the official House records.

This is panic. First of all, since when does Trump ask for anything from the GOP? He issues Imperial edicts, and the foot soldiers fall in line. If Trump is asking McCarthy to do this, then he’s terrified that his increasing legal peril may have the undesired effect of weakening his hold on the party, the only weapon he has left. And second, it shows desperation. Neither of those investigations, nor expunging his impeachments from the House records will have the slightest effect on the investigations, but Trump is desperate to find a way to turn the media narrative back on Biden again.

John Kelly was and is right. Donald  trump is scared sh*tless of prison, and for good reason. For the first time in 50 years, Trump is now notorious enough that he has run up against a cadre of prosecutors who are not interested in letting him off the hook. And as egotistical as Trump is, he’s not totally brain dead. He knows full well that he has survived for 50 years by bluffing, blustering, threatening, and countersuing before he bailed at the last minute and settled. But none of that will work this time. And late at night, when Trump closes his eyes, he is terrified of the sound of that iron door clanging shut behind him. And I can live with that.

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  1. I doubt Trump ever watched The Shawshank Redemption, but if he did his nightmares contain that scene of that first night in prison. As “Red” says, they boys go fishing and don’t stop until they’ve reeled someone in and someone ALWAYS breaks. We see the guy who loses it and starts yelling and crying that it’s all a mistake, he’s not supposed to be there and when the Head Guard comes in and tells him to STFU has him removed from his cell and beats him down brutally right out in the open in front of everyone. To death as it turned out because the doc had long gone for the night and there was nothing the infirmary could do for the guy.

    BUT, if Trump did ever see that movie I’ll bet his dreams are haunted by “Fat a$$” only HE is the guy.

  2. As a political prisoner who has spent time in the joint…I know he wouldn’t last a day in general population. He’d be put in isolation with the taxpayers footing the bill for secret service. NO OTHER prisoner has that deal. In the joint you are truly on your own amongst the most dangerous people on the planet. Even if he goes to jail, doubtful given this unequal system the rich have created, he won’t be thrown to the wolves. In prison, if you’re not a wolf, you’ll be treated like a sheep. The speech the Sacario gives to the female cop in the movie Sacario is true. Move to a place that still believes in the rule of law… “this is the land of wolves…and you are not a wolf”. Prison is the land of wolves. Trump is a pampered ball of dough. He’d be eaten alive. I was lucky I guess…I was raised and trained to be a wolf by a werewolf…looked like a man but could transform into beast in a nanosecond. It served me well amongst wolves. Wolves can smell fear and it arouses their instinct to kill. Trump is the poster child for insecurity and fear.

  3. tRump can’t pay the piper, because he’s never had to.
    tRump can’t negotiate the DOJ, because he’s done nothing but grift and fail his entire career.
    tRump can’t tell the truth, because it will only finally eliminate the tRump house of cards

    • If convicted, I think there’s a high probability that his already erratic behavior and delusions will get so bad he winds up committed to a psychiatric facility. And if some of the recent pics of him looking like death warmed over make you say “wow” imagine him after a couple of years of regular person food, with him skipping the nutritious stuff on his tray, his despair that his MAGA didn’t rise up and riot to break him out, feeling utterly rejected and generally letting himself go to seed. No more brushing his teeth or trying a combover. Not showering and sallow skin & greasy hair. But still delusional, and blaming his “plight” on being rejected by those who he “gave so much to.” (Yes, the reality is he TOOK but we are talking Trump and his delusions so he’ll see things a$$-backwards!) In the end, this is what you’ll have:


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