The Furkids love a holiday and the 4th of July is the biggest patriotic holiday of the year for Americans! It’s a day for dressing up, parading down Main Street and partying afterwards!

But make sure your furkids are secure inside when the fireworks start because that can be very frightening and disorienting for them. Petfinder put together these useful charts to help everyone keep their furkids safe.

Now let’s party with one of the most iconic songs in America’s patriotic repertoire! We know the fourth isn’t until Tuesday but, in the Furkids’ opinion, you could all do with some practice. The jukebox will still be here when you need it on the day. It’s stuffed full of patriotic quarters so you need only press play, scroll down to the illustrated lyrics and sing along. Take it away Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland!

You can follow the Furkids at (and buy them a frothy milk if you feel so inclined). Michelle is on Twitter as @Mopshell and Post as @michelle_elle.

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    • I did try for a Cagney version but the sound quality was poor so I went looking for another and came up with this one. Also, this one is shorter and I was running out of time! If I have more time in some future year, I may revisit the Cagney version. Wishing you a very happy Fourth of July!

  1. {{{Michelle}}} This is a nice version – and amusing to watch Mickey Rooney try to imitate James Cagney. And much clearer than the James Cagney version aahirs nani put in her Street Prophets diary yesterday at DK. You were wise to go with this one. And as always you and the Furkids illustrated it so well. Skritches to the Furkids. moar {{{HUGS}}} and healing energy to you.

    FYI – there’s another #twitterfail going on – nobody can like, tweet, or DM. RTs seem to be working (so I did) but that’s it.

    • Well, not everybody is blocked for being an autogenerator – I just got Michelle’s tweet about changing heart meds & the new doctor being a sweetie. But I certainly am. Since I can’t respond *there* I guess I will here. I’m so glad your new doctor is a good one & Holding the Good Thoughts that the new heart meds work better than the old ones. {{{Michelle}}}

      • The old ones worked really well but I’ve been on them for too long and they affect my thyroid so my cardiologist is switching me to an alternative. My new doctor has been in touch with my cardiologist so she’ll be doing all the early testing. I’ll see her Tuesday for a baseline ECG with a follow-up the week after I start the new medication. I’m happy to have all this attention!
        I don’t know why I’m not blocked by Twitter but I’ll take it. I don’t know where to go to from Twitter but I’m joining other sites to try out.

        With healing energy 🤗❤️🤍💙🤗Barbara🤗❤️🤍💙🤗

        and scritches for ❤️Charlie🤍Cloud💙Freddie❤️Bobbie🤍Rennie💙

        • Ah! Yes, some meds do have cumulative problems when you’ve taken them for a long time. I’m happy you’re having all this attention, too!

          I’m hoping this is just another temporary glitch at twitter. If not, I’m shut down on my helping out folks in need. It certainly feels as bad as when I was banned at DK. Because just like at DK, I’m cut off from a lot of my friends AND from what good works I was managing to do.

          I’m over at Spoutible. It works very much like twitter so the learning curve isn’t very steep at all. They’re only 5 months old so they’re still working on updates and apps but they’re rolling them out as fast as they can get them bug-tested/free. They’re having a new wave of twitter refugees signing on today so they’re a little wobbly but once things calm down again, that’s a good one to check out. It’s still a smallish platform but it’s growing leaps and bounds. I’ve managed to post a couple of fundraisers there and participate in a few more. But it’s early days yet for that kind of activity. sigh.

    • I now have accounts at two photo sites which makes my life much easier! I was pleased with how this one turned out because I was late starting it but it came together like magic!

      Happy Fourth! 🤗❤️🤍💙🤗Ursula🤗❤️🤍💙🤗

  2. This felt like more of a 4th of July celebration than anything else did! I’m disenchanted with fireworks, since they have such negative consequences. Even tho I got here late, I enjoyed this so much. Many thanks!


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