Holy Dr. Suess, Batman! Has anybody noticed a discernable pattern on Fox News? Because we have. And the pattern is that every single time there’s an overwhelming news story that Fox News doesn’t want to talk about at all, or hasn’t yet come up with the right spin on, they begin to talk about the damnedest off base things, like Dr. Suess, Girl Scout Cookies, and now today, Barbie.

As reported here earlier, we have four GOP candidates left in the 2024 Primary, and and only two of them will be in the same room between now and the January 15 Iowa Caucus. The rest of the world seems to find this newsworthy and is talking about it. But not Fox News. No, they don’t want to bother with trifles, let’s kvetch about Barbie and wokeism. Maybe they could get Ron DeSantis to do a Town Hall on Barbie and forget about the presidential race, let’s just talk about woke. And God knows DeSantis is the patron saint of woke. He loves him some woke. He’s been known to use the word “woke” seven times in 26 seconds. Now that’s devotion to a topic.

I think Joe wears it well, don’t you? Who wore it better Joe or Margot Robbie? Even money, I’d say. And Joe could definitely drive a pink Corvette, no question about that.

2024 is a brand new baby. And already the Fox News version of it is growing up deformed. Let’s just see if we can get through this month, shall we? Iowa and New Hampshire are going to tell us a lot. If nothing else, we’ll eliminate some confusion and get some focus. Or, considering Trump’s choke hold on the GOP, things may get more confused, still.

Since you’re already here, look at this idiocy. Kevin Sorbo finally got an acting job. He’s selling “Christian Conservative Patriot Coffee.” Shades of Mike Lindell. Whatever happened to Lindell’s coffee empire, anybody know?

I guess not. And this guy was Hercules, right, with the great bod? I wonder what post he would like in Trump’s administration? Maybe he could head up a new office, Center For Christian Performing Arts. And I’m all for that. If I was in that post, I’d round up all the phony faux Christians and send them into Dodger Stadium with a pack of hungry lions. That would be quite a show.


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  1. Ya know, Ursula, I get such a kick out of everybody on the right who is fighting a culture war against the “enemy” on the left who isn’t! There’s no war! My husband, a guy who kept his manhood (gasp) even after marrying a feminist 30 years ago, enjoyed “Barbie.” A lot! He recognized the movie is about how hard it is to be a woman in the world AND how hard it is to be a man in the world! Being yourself is a wonderful goal and getting there can be a confusing pain in the ass! Because so many jackasses don’t want you to be you…they want you to be them! That’s their war to lose, not “Barbie’s!”

    • Mine retired from the Navy after 23 years. Was in a,plane over Kosovo when a missile was launched at it(and he is not air crew so shouldn’t have been up in the first place, but he,was the only one who could run and fix the cameras)/ Went into Iraq with Marines and saw Saddam’s handiwork with chemical weapons on Kurdish women and children andelderly(he was the only one including try who could run the comm gear. I see your 30 years,and raise you 5.

      And he loved Barbieso.much we watched ita,second time on New,Year’s,Day.

      Real Men â„¢ loved Barbie.Sniveling misogynist types who are terrified they’ll lose a promotion to a better equipped woman -‘didn’t.

  2. If it were a race only between ANY PHUCKING REPUBLICAN or a barbie doll…I’d take the doll…at least a human figure made of plastic WOULD NOT KILL CHILDREN AND DESTROY THE PLANET!!! Luckily we have a great choice in DARK BRANDON! VOTE!!!

  3. An ode to Barbie, and it never was about Barbie, this goes back to the first cave man
    when cave woman provocatly dropped a deer Hyde, and bent over and picked it up

    Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel

    let’s us be lovers
    we’ll marrie our fortunes together
    I have some real estate here in my bag
    I had a pack of cigarettes
    she had her magazines
    and the moon rose over an open field

    Hannah I said,though I knew she was sleeping
    I’m anxious and restless and I don’t know why
    I took me 4 Days to hitchhike from Saginaw
    all gone to look for America
    all gone to look for America
    rpon the zsin
    not perfect or a facsimile
    but it makes me happy
    and that’s why we’re on the third rock
    from the Sun

  4. “If I was in that post, I’d round up all the phony faux Christians and send them into Dodger Stadium with a pack of hungry lions.” A magnet on my refrigerator: So many Christians, so few lions…”

    • I still want to get a working time machine and take all these modern “persecuted” Christians (especially their “leaders”) and dump them off in late 1st/early 2nd century Rome and let them see what it was like to face REAL persecution. (I doubt many of them would fare very well in 17th century Puritan Massachusetts either when deviation from the heterodoxy was met with banishment, jail or actual death. And some time with the Inquisition might give them a new understanding of real persecution.)

      • Absolutely. Apollonia is the patron Saint of toothaches. Reason? The Romans pulled out all her teeth,(and in the most painful way), to get her to renounce her faith. When she refused they planned to burn her at the stake. Supposedly she jumped into the fire herself. That’s commitment! Don’t see much of that spirit anymore, especially from the christo-fascists.

  5. Dammit Janet
    let’s do the Time Warp again,,
    True confession Midnight Movie,,hammered went to the bathroom
    I was wow, nice bathroom, clean pink, wait a minute,
    chick was like go ahead and pee but this is the girls bathroom,,
    no harm no foul,
    those were good times
    when you could laugh at yourself
    I miss those days.

  6. I’m sorry but they’re having a melt-down over a movie about a f*cking toy? Melt-downs OUGHT to occur because Hollywood considers such drivel worth any screen time at all. Now if fux nuz whined about that, Ok, I’d think they finally developed some sense. Nope, fux is throwing hissy fits because the “female” lead (it’s a doll people, get the f*ck over it) is successful and (guessing here based on reviews ) thwarts the guy’s dire plans to f*ck up her world.

    Throw a f*cking fit because there are no decent movies being made in this country f.f.s. not because you think women should not have anything in their little heads except for how to blow their husbands properly.



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