May Day is the first of may, or a distress call that vessels emit when they are sinking or crashing and screaming for help. Our culture is in distress right now and here’s an interesting May Day “declaration” affirming white nationalism.

Here’s a little ditty from the early 80’s that can be the theme song at the White Appreciation festivals.

Never thought this was a prophetic song, shows you what I know.


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  1. Here’s a thought for these goobers to ponder as they fondle and brandish their GUNS. Gunpowder and its used in arms and the development of flamethrowers, rockets and yes cannon and firearms traces back to the CHINESE! Somehow I don’t think these White Power assholes would consider Chinese people white.

  2. The guy also forgot that it was a white guy who “invented” racism in the first place.

    Aristotle (the Greek philosopher) proposed the idea that Greeks were free by nature while barbarians (ie, anyone not a Greek) were slaves by nature. But, it was mainly the Germans Johann Blumenbach and Christoph Meiners whose works largely influenced the current idea of racism.

    Slavery, before the 16th century, largely ignored any concept of “race” or even “skin color.” The Romans, for instance, enslaved people of brown skin (Africans/”Ethiopians”) as well as white skin (Celts, Slavs, Teutons) without regard for their skin tones. And, of course, in Africa and the Americas, slaves were generally just survivors of inter-tribal conflicts. In much of South and East Asia, there were strict concepts of “purity” that completely ignored skin tone so a slave could be anyone who just lived in the wrong place and when Westerners entered the area, they usually couldn’t distinguish between an Indian Brahmin from an Indian “untouchable” and regarded ALL Indians as racially inferior even as the Indians themselves maintained their caste distinctions; in fact, the native peoples generally held the Europeans as inferiors who were only able to subdue them because of better weapons (much the same feeling they’d hold towards cobras, tigers and elephants–you refrain from antagonizing them and you won’t be injured but get on their “bad” side and you’re liable to be killed).


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