This time every four years the airwaves in America are dominated by political theater — but nobody has ever seen anything like what’s going on in 2020. Not even close. And that includes 2016, which, for all of it’s bizarreness, did not have an impeached incumbent, a crooked as hell attorney general, convicted felons getting pardoned, or a global pandemic, or 32 million unemployed Americans, or, just for comic relief, a mentally ill rapper who has decided to throw his hat in the ring.  No, we thought the pussygate audio and the porn star payoffs were pretty wild, plus there was rumbling in the background about Russia. What about Russia?

But the most curious thing about this election season is that for all of the dead weight — not to mention dead bodies — on the GOP side of the scale, the biggest talking point in Fox News world is how senile Joe Biden is. Ummm…isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black, you ask? Yup.

Taking several pages from Fox’s book, the Daily Show updated this series of clips to include Donald Trump’s most recent horrific gaffes. What you will see here, is Fox News personalities, dissing Biden, intercut with Trump doing as bad — or worse — than Biden could ever dream of. It is a hoot.

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  1. Just a note about rapper Kayne West running for President. He most likely suffers from bipolar disorder and on some days probably insists he’s going to be an astronaut and others the short stop for the NY Yankees. His “candidacy” is being pushed by long time GOP hack operatives in swing states like Wisconsin in hopes it will pull some black votes from Joe Biden.
    THIS is the party with its boots on the neck of our government.

      • There are a lot of activists in all arenas this time around, so the element of surprise is over. Hopefully this will overcome the laziness of those who vote for race, fame, the songs, his wife, etc., over saving democracy, social justice, & more importantly slowing climate change which can end the human species. Jill stein imbeciles comforted themselves when it was a vote for Trump that swung several states electoral votes. People need to confront these folks as if your children’s lives depended on it. Hey everybody…lying cruel evil Trump wants your children sacrificed on the altar of his re-election. “Well…its one two three four…whadda we fighten for???” Country Joe


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